FLEXIContent - v2.0.0 - final for J2.5 released (r1648)

13 years 7 months ago #18478 by Arkadiy
1. When editing or adding item to the front
Fatal error: Cannot access protected property FlexicontentViewItem::$_name in Z:\home\j17\www\libraries\joomla\plugin\plugin.php on line 102
it causes a row 316 \components\com_flexicontent\views\item\view.html.php
JPlugin::loadLanguage('com_flexicontent', JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR);
on ru-locale, on en-locale all right

2. Wrong russian alpha-index

а б в в Х е ё ж з Ш й Ъ л У н н Я р с т с ф х ц ч ш щ ъ ы ь э ю я


а б в г д е ё ж з и й к л м н о п р с т у ф х ц ч ш щ ъ ы ь э ю я

3. Field type "File" editing or adding item to the front image
<img src="administrator/components/com_flexicontent/assets/images/move3.png" alt="Перетащить">
not shown, is not enough / at the beginning

4. Fields weblink and extweblink not save data either the front or from the backend.

5. New Cyrillic tag with a space (of 2 words) not added from the item in the browser google hrome, all added in firefox.
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13 years 7 months ago #18481 by effrit
its not a bug, but usability request:
is it possible to highlight (give addition class) current letter or digit of alpha-index?
otherwise its hard to understand sometime why current category are empty or list of items are too short.

also, with alpha-index in category view we may activate search... which search on item title only
but how i am, as user, must understand this logic?
at least tooltip with text "Type a word to search in title ONLY" needed.
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13 years 7 months ago - 13 years 7 months ago #18484 by Arkadiy

effrit wrote: its not a bug, but usability request:
is it possible to highlight (give addition class) current letter or digit of alpha-index?
otherwise its hard to understand sometime why current category are empty or list of items are too short.

Select the current letter:
1. add after
for($i=count($groupcssclasses); $i<count($groups); $i++) { $groupcssclasses[$i] = 'letters'; }
string ~79
$post_letter = JRequest::getVar('letter', '', 'post');
2. add after
if ($alphacharsep) $aiclass = "fc_alpha_index_sep"; else $aiclass = "fc_alpha_index";
string ~163
$currentclass = ''; if(strtoupper($letter_label) == strtoupper($post_letter)){ $currentclass = 'current'; }
3. replace
echo "<a class=\"$aiclass\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"document.getElementById('alpha_index').value='".$letter."'; document.getElementById('adminForm').submit();\">".strtoupper($letter_label)."";
echo "<a class=\"$aiclass $currentclass\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"document.getElementById('alpha_index').value='".$letter."'; document.getElementById('adminForm').submit();\">".strtoupper($letter_label)."";

Corrected the post, I forgot one line of copy
Last edit: 13 years 7 months ago by Arkadiy.
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13 years 7 months ago #18485 by ggppdk

effrit wrote:
its not a bug, but usability request:
is it possible to highlight (give addition class) current letter or digit of alpha-index?

Yes this is indeed missing, you are very correct that about readability

About your second searching by title only, this too enhances usability, it is easy to do only a small implication is that title column is not a FULLTEXT search column, but we will just convert it to be, no problem.

About search-box and ALPHA-index, yes when using search box the ALPHA-index LETTER-ENTITY(character) is canceled.
There is an implication that the ALPHA-index is calculated on all items AND NOT USING the current search filters and search box.
Not sure about this. It can cause more confusing than usefulness if we make ALPHA-index to be calculated on current filtering options. Not sure ...

Also the current active filters should be highlighted to make them more clear, and maybe an option to clear all filters at once.

Very good comments, Regards !!!

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13 years 7 months ago #18489 by effrit
ggppdk, about search in category: a spoke about not clear result of it. now, if i use it i can get result only if searchword is part of Title of articles.
but this moment isnt publish in any helper or tooltip so normally user will think what this category have not the information he want.
for example, in blog mode i have article with title:
"Manual for programmers"
"This is book for everyone who want learn how to start write custom fields for FLEXIcontent"

so, if i try category search by words "book" or "flexi" i will get zero result:
No items available for this category
cose Title of article have not this words...

i am not mean what search result must calculate as sum of alphaindex and searchbox - its, of cose, too complicated logic :)

and i confirm what highlighting code from Arkadiy worked fine :D
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13 years 7 months ago #18490 by effrit
but logic of combination of alphaindex and seachbox is already complicated :D
if you use search - the alphaindex is cleared, BUT if you use alphaindex - serchbox dont cleared so you have combined result.
for example, you may tape searchword in box but after it (without pressing Enter), if you press any aplphaindex links, you get result of searchox, NOT alphaindex :shock:
and if you press on aplhaindex agane you get result of combination of searchbox and alphaindex :shock:
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