FLEXIContent - v2.0.0 - final for J2.5 released (r1648)

13 years 7 months ago #18250 by effrit
hmm. it seems what this version in bad )
i also cant post new items with blank pop-up.
and it seems what "item" tab have wrong template - see "author" column with date choose under it.

but i can create article on com_content and bind it to flexi, so can try to test another things )

the Favorites bug is still here - i favorite one article and steel have emptiness on list of my favorite content :(
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13 years 7 months ago #18252 by ggppdk
Will try to find time to fix (late today) the bugs reported Atypicom & effrit


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13 years 7 months ago - 13 years 7 months ago #18253 by effrit
i think what now user (on fronend submission) can choose between categories from list what admin is selected before in submission settings:


but still, when i (as admin), select 2 categories which in user can post items, he cant choose but just have simple text names of this categories.

this choose option (multiselect list required) is important if you have complex categories structure and want users can post in some categories they choose.

and if i edit from frontend my articles i have multiselect list with categories but it seems what changes didnt save
Last edit: 13 years 7 months ago by effrit.
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13 years 7 months ago #18254 by Arkadiy

1. undefined constant FLEXI_ADD_LABEL on save field without label (Russian lang)

2. remained

3. Order by Published on fields list sorts in one direction only

4. Category are not deleted

5. remained
linkslist.php string 90
foreach ($items as $id => $item)
replace $item to $val (or $vsyaka_byaka), else object $item destroyed.

Notice: Undefined offset: 2 in Z:\home\j17\www\plugins\flexicontent_fields\radioimage\radioimage.php on line 96
when filling in the wrong "Field elements" (1::Yes%% 0::No%%)

7. remained
Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in Z:\home\j17\www\plugins\flexicontent_fields\radioimage\radioimage.php on line 80
on create new item.
} elseif (!$field->value[0]) {
} elseif (!isset($field->value[0])) {

8. Field "Related items" shows only the item is editable, and not other.

9. Published state not change on Fields List


10. Field type "Date" causes error500 on frontend if field is filled, empty field error does not cause.

Notice: Undefined offset: 1 in Z:\home\j17\www\libraries\joomla\html\html\email.php on line 32
if email is filled incorrect.

Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$name in Z:\home\j17\www\components\com_flexicontent\templates\default\category_items.php on line 89
replace in
<table id="flexitable" class="flexitable" width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" summary="<?php echo $this->category->name; ?>">
$this->category->name to $this->category->title.
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  • Anonymous
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  • Visitor
13 years 7 months ago #18294 by Anonymous

We're currently testing 2.0 Beta3 r853 on a fresh Joomla! 1.7, and I can't seem to do what I want.

We used to rely heavily on the old Section/Category framework in Joomla! < 1.5, and we turned to FlexiContent hoping it would get us back some of that functionality.

The main thing we want to be able to do is filter our top level categories separately from our nested categories.

When we create a new article, or view our articles in the main item table, our category tree is way too long to navigate efficiently.

In the previous version of Joomla!, we would just keep our Section dropdown selected to the top-level we were interested in, and the second drop-down would contain only a sub-set of the relevant categories that it contains.

Joomla! 1.6/1.7 made this impossible by allowing nesting categories, but only allowing you to see the entire list of categories at the same time.

In a word, this sucks.

Is it possible for FlexiContent to provide two different dropdowns for categories: one that 'only' shows top-level categories, and the the second that will 'only' show the nested categories as defined in the first drop-down?

FlexiContent looks pretty powerful, but to be honest, category management is why we are looking at using it, and I don't see it as any better here than with the core Joomla! admin tools.

I hope I'm just missing something. Please let me know if there's an easy way to organize multiple levels of nested categories.

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13 years 7 months ago #18295 by ggppdk
Arkadiy thanks for reporting,

Many of the bugs reported by you and other, require little time to fix. Some other will want more time.

I did not get time to fix them when i planned.

I will do tomorrow evening.

To yeahzoomzoom, Yes it is possible to show a category tree starting at a specific parent. I will examine this.

This can be done by adding a new task button at category manager called "Set as Base". Then you would select a category and click the task. Also a task button to return to top category.


-- Flexicontent is Free but involves a big effort on our part.
Like the our support? (for a bug-free FC, despite having a long list of functions) Like the features? Like the ongoing development and future commitment to FLEXIcontent?
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