FLEXIcontent International Support Forum 9491 topics

Please only use English in this area.
Last Post

Feature Requests 1072 topics

For feature requests, suggestions, and wishlists

Tutorials, Tips & Tricks, FAQ, and Documentation Resources

Re: HTML5 VIDEO Element
by micker
1 year 2 months ago
For questions regarding installation and minor version updates

General Support 3647 topics

For more general questions about the operation of FLEXIcontent

Troubleshooting 2901 topics

Use this forum to resolve problems and report bugs

Extensions 726 topics

For Core and 3rd-party extensions issues

Re: 4sef Plugin
by micker
2 weeks 5 days ago

Templates and CSS 395 topics

For questions about templates, modification, and coding issues

Developers 299 topics

For discussions focused on development and coding

Performance 15 topics

Issues related to FLEXIcontent and Joomla performance

Translations 12 topics

Post the translation files for FLEXIcontent component, plugins, modules, and report translation issues.

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