FLEXIContent - v2.0.0 - final for J2.5 released (r1648)

12 years 7 months ago #27488 by ggppdk
Yes it is possible. (We do it already in J1.5 version !!!)

J2.5 user selects on each individual site what he will use:

-- but he must install Falang OR Joomfish in J2.5

Choice 1: full item translations with associations of translated content and switching of the fly via FLEXIcontent Advance Route or via Joomfish for J2.5

Choice 2: old but easier approach which does not translate extra fields , but you can edit all translations in a single FLEXIcontent item edit form (where you are presented with one tab per language for title, description, meta data). In this case Falang replaces the translated data when the item / category is presented in the frontend, like Joomfish did in J1.5

J2.5 approach of giving a language to each article (=item) , is the approach that FLEXIcontent had from the beginning ...,

now Joomfish for J2.5 uses an approach of (a) associating items together and (b) switching the in the frontend,

-- we have both of these already implemented (not only for J2.5 but for J1.5 too !!!), i mean with FLEXIcontent v1.5.6 in J1.5 with Advanced Route Plugin, you can use what Joomfish will do in J2.5

-- Flexicontent is Free but involves a big effort on our part.
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12 years 7 months ago #27938 by effrit
hi, ggppdk, and other flexifans :D
some people from our (Russian) forum cant understand:
1) why aliases of items and categories have lead digits (in 1.5 routing works without it, if i remember correctly)

2) what is "advanced routing"?
they try activate it and hope what it help them make shorten URLs but they fail :D

thanks )
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12 years 7 months ago #27939 by ggppdk
1. mmm, You mean SEF URLs ?

2. You mean Advanced Router SYSTEM plugin?
I have taken time to write good description inside the plugin

ALSO, while fixing bugs for v1.5.6a and v2.0a,

I have decided to commit almost finished features:

- Finished advanced import management Tab with highly customiozed format
a. multi-value fields values
b. multi-property per field value

- (Mostily Finished) Porting author management Tab to J2.5 , to customize author views and support displaying as author description:
a. Community builder profile
b. Contant info
c. a FLEXIContent item

- Advanced support for suggesting images to facebook and the other social sites

- Subscription sites support, to allow fields to be edited by people that e.g. pay for them, via a new ACL Action "editfieldvalue"

- Advanced notification emails (Global, per category, per Content Type), for items in pending Publication Approval, and documents pending reviews

- MAYBE (now) image field to act as image gallery (multiple images with description and everything ...)
with direct usage of files from a folder[/b] WITHOUT adding them to the file manager

- MAYBE (now) finish a powerful slideshow template for FLEXIcontent module

-- Flexicontent is Free but involves a big effort on our part.
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12 years 7 months ago #27940 by ggppdk
AND must add documentation of many new features, (they already have inline popup help of course but there are various undocumented features for developers too)

-- Flexicontent is Free but involves a big effort on our part.
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12 years 7 months ago #27941 by effrit
ggppdk, yes, SEF URLs with lead articles/cat id.

ok, at least i know now what advensed route plugin is working.
so we will try understend what it doin :D
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12 years 7 months ago #27942 by ggppdk
The same happened in other places too more or less,
cleaner descriptions with better grouping of parameters

e.g. frontend item submission was a little mess but now it is cleaned up with good description and "know what to expect behavior", with security checks to make sure that some cannot tamper with the form ... using the menu item override parameters ...

But i see that, Advanced Route System plugin needs a little better POPUP descriptions will add them

-- Flexicontent is Free but involves a big effort on our part.
Like the our support? (for a bug-free FC, despite having a long list of functions) Like the features? Like the ongoing development and future commitment to FLEXIcontent?
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