FLEXIContent - v2.0.0 - final for J2.5 released (r1648)

12 years 7 months ago #27954 by effrit
hi,ggppdk, its me again :D
in advanced routing plugin i misunderstanding this part:
"Hide Categories from Pathway/URLs for Types"
in my case only path in "Breadcrumbs" module is changing.
for example, from

breadcrumbs: Home > Beginners
URL: /19-joomla/8-beginners


breadcrumbs: Home > Loomla > Beginners
URL: /19-joomla/8-beginners

may be you will post an example there URLis changing too?

or, if this plugin for Breadcrumbs only it will more right to change
"Hide Categories from Pathway/URLs for Types"
"Hide Categories from Pathway (breadcrumbs) for Types"
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12 years 7 months ago #27955 by ggppdk
Yes, i will change description,

it is used in breadcrumbs and in creating the parts of a SH404SEF URL

but also i think i need to check its usage in SH404, because it is removing item title from URL instead of categories titles

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12 years 7 months ago #27956 by ggppdk
-- I ll change the description in advanced Route System Plugin:

so that:
"Hide Categories from Pathway/URLs for Types"
"Hide Categories from Pathway (breadcrumbs) for Types"

so that:
"Hide category links"
Prevent Linking to Categories
(e.g. use for categories 'Frontpage', 'Top Slideshow' )

-- Also i ll add popup descriptions
(but not language strings yet because i might make more changes to the description)

e.g. "Prevent Linking to Categories" will have a description stating that e.g. the categories alias will not appear in SH404SEF URLs either

Also i will put a note inside Global configuration, telling users (maybe provide a link), they need to visit FLEXIcontent system plugins for configurations some important parameters

(i have mostly restructured the Global parameters into 5-7 tabs to allow easier navigation/configuration, and will be in 2.0a too)

-- Flexicontent is Free but involves a big effort on our part.
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12 years 7 months ago #27959 by effrit
ggppdk, absolutely good! ;)
i want post about linking this plugin and global configuration by myself cose they working together :D

thanks for quick response :P
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12 years 7 months ago #28050 by Rooney
Sorry, I don't get it. I tried this: www.flexicontent.org/documentati ... ntent.html

I am able to switch from German to English (r1420). Fine. But how do I translate categories? Do I have to setup a new category and assign the English versions to this category? When I use JoomFish for 2.5 for translation and enable the JoomFish abstraction layer, I am getting a loop and after some time error messages. If I disable the abstraction layer nothing is translated. The same for menu items. Do I have to setup news links to the new category with the English content? This is like maintaining two Joomla installations.

To be honest the new Joomla 2.5 multi-language feature is totally unusable for larger sites. Waste of development time if nothing follows. It makes more sense to finish one page a in a language, copy the whole Joomla installation and continue with to installations.


ggppdk wrote: Yes it is possible. (We do it already in J1.5 version !!!)

J2.5 user selects on each individual site what he will use:

-- but he must install Falang OR Joomfish in J2.5

Choice 1: full item translations with associations of translated content and switching of the fly via FLEXIcontent Advance Route or via Joomfish for J2.5

Choice 2: old but easier approach which does not translate extra fields , but you can edit all translations in a single FLEXIcontent item edit form (where you are presented with one tab per language for title, description, meta data). In this case Falang replaces the translated data when the item / category is presented in the frontend, like Joomfish did in J1.5

J2.5 approach of giving a language to each article (=item) , is the approach that FLEXIcontent had from the beginning ...,

now Joomfish for J2.5 uses an approach of (a) associating items together and (b) switching the in the frontend,

-- we have both of these already implemented (not only for J2.5 but for J1.5 too !!!), i mean with FLEXIcontent v1.5.6 in J1.5 with Advanced Route Plugin, you can use what Joomfish will do in J2.5

Joomla! 3.9.24 and FC 3.3.9
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12 years 7 months ago #28059 by ggppdk
Falang for J2.5,
acts like Joomfish acts in J1.5, did you try Falang?

-- Flexicontent is Free but involves a big effort on our part.
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