Hi Olinad,
With micker's post about the date field.. ( and this is just an idea.. )
What about having the option in the module config to allow the user to pull through and display, say - up to 5 FC fields & possibly their labels (Define by Field Name)
The idea came from the fact that I was thinking about using AllNews as an "Upcoming Events" display ( I did see that in your order options), but I would like to display a few other fields such as "Event Date", "Cost", "Venue" etc. Obviously I can do this in a category view but to do it in a module would be great.
If the user could define the fields ( have an on/off switch for each one ) then it would make the module VERY flexible. Of course the user would need to understand how to edit the bottom of the /tmpl/default.php to format the output as they wanted it, but that part of the code is not too hard to understand.
Anyway, just a thought.
With the "Dynamic Menu" stuff I was talking about.. once I have what I am using now working on a live site, I will PM you a login so you can have a look and get an better idea, but what I am using at the moment is:
One other thing I have noticed that I thought worth mentioning..
AllNews seems to be dropping SEF. What I have noticed is that when I view a link created by AllNews, the displayed link on hover is for eg.
/flexicontent/7/30.htmlwhich seems to be using the com_content section and category to form the link.
When I click through on the link, I get:
/index.php?option=com_flexicontent&view=items&cid=7&id=30&Itemid=2 .. which is obviously with no SEF at all..
If I navigate to the item through the FlexiContent category page, or from a menu link, I get:
/best-practice-articles/item/30-future-of-the-cam-role.html , which is the correct SEF URL ( even if it does have the annoying number in it : )
I am not sure if there is anything that can be done to get the SEF working, and it will not stop me using the module but I thought I would mention it.
Many thanks again for all your work.