FLEXIContent - v2.0.0 - final for J2.5 released (r1648)

13 years 2 months ago #21745 by artisanwebandprint

I just tried upgrading my site to 1.7 with Jupgrade. Once the data was all moved, I logged in and installed your flexicontent for 1.7 and then turned all of the plugins on and saved global config. I then went to items and went through the binding process. All of the items are there but the fields are all gone - like images. Is this a bug or did I do something wrong?

sb.artisanwebandprint.com I'll wait to hear from you before I revert to 1.5

Note, the menus are mixed up too. I tried to reconnect the Auction menu item to the category menu via the Flexicontent>Category menu item type and received this error: Save failed with the following error: JTableMenu: :move Failed - Cannot move the node to be a child of itself

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13 years 2 months ago #21747 by ggppdk
Upgrade from J1.5 to J1.7/J2.5 is possible but we have not done it yet, priority is to release final version for J1.5 and J1.7/J2.5, so we cannot help you in this now, if we were to start this now, i have no idea how much time it would consume, maybe little maybe a lot.

There are some minor issues, like different parameters for some fields, most notably minigallery.

What you describe is a more serious issue. You should never have to bind existing items again!!! I cannot imagine the ids of the items being changed but i cannot say more without testing.

We will test after final version of v1.5.6 and v2.0


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13 years 2 months ago #21750 by kenmcd
Hmmmmm . . .

JUpgrade changes the Joomla article IDs.
So this is going to wreak havoc with the FC binding to the advanced data.

And JUgrade changes the section and category IDs.
So that will also obviously affect things.

These ID changes are also going to affect the menu items.
With the ID changes the FC links are all going to break.

JUgrade does have a plug-in system (not well documented) which may enable this migration to work.
But as you said, have to evaluate that later after the upcoming FLEXIcontent releases.

SP Upgrade maintains much more of the existing article and category IDs than JUpgrade does.
It is done by moving some of the new default IDs around to make room for the old IDs so they can stay the same.
They do this to help maintain existing incoming links.
With SP Upgrade it may be possible that the FC binding will not be broken because the article IDs have not changed.
Have to look into that . . .

This migration discussion really needs to be a whole new thread.

I'll think about this a little more and start a new thread to discuss the migration process.
First thing to do is warn users not to do it right now.

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13 years 2 months ago #21751 by ggppdk
Ken, thanks for this info,

closing remaining known bugs and finishing some almost completed features takes quite some time.

You are right, we need a new forum thread for upgrading, please start one, adding the info you included in your last POST.

-- Flexicontent is Free but involves a big effort on our part.
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13 years 2 months ago #21757 by artisanwebandprint
Thanks for your reply. I don't mind reloading all of the data since I can do it with fleximport; however, I would like to move the data related to the fields/types/templates over if possible. I'll keep an eye out for the new thread.

Good luck with releasing the stable versions for 1.7/2.5!

All the best,

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13 years 2 months ago #21775 by ggppdk
I have made a nightly build (preRC3 r1110) :

Has some bug fixes and a dozen of new exciting features ...

NEW FEATURES (some of them)
-- 1. Add support for columns (1,2,auto) in item layout of blog template
-- 2. Filters are now able to show only available values category view according to current filtering/search/alpha-index. This is controlled via a new category parameter and it is implemented for all custom fields, not yet for core fields
-- 3. Fixed/improved behavior of category filtering form
(search box, alpha-index, filters and URL combine together consistently and smoothly).
-- 4.REL CANONICAL in items / category / tags:
(a) Changed rel canonical links for categories / tags to be SEF format.
(b) Added (global and local) parameter to control rel canonical in items / category / tags view
(c) Added current page to the rel canonical urls for tags and category view
-- 5. Added a multiple items state changing mechanism, now there is a new toolbar button in items manager tab
-- 6. Added capability for unique hits per item, including options for skipping specific IPs and bots
-- 7. New version of standard search plugin, the searching in tags now works properly
-- 8. Items edit form:
(a) Added language flags to items edit form
(b) Added joomla 1.7 featured flag
(c) Fixed improved css styling
-- 9. Prepared code to support multiple-voting (not done yet).
-- 10. Implemented/made the category parameter required for the category menu item
-- 11. Directory view is improved with category description and configurable thumbnails extracted from description or from category parameter or from both.

Features to add to RC3=final : ... see previous post in this thread ...

+ Improvements universal FLEXIcontent module:
(a) *** Added more scopes ***: specific tags scope, related items fields scope(placed inside items scope), favorites scope
(b) *** Added support for category listings ***, (with configurable category image thumbnails from description or from parameter or from both) and ability to combine it with items
(c) Refactored styling of news template to make it much more attractive (added icons for various core fields, TODO hit and ratings).
(e) Added code for displaying both created and modified dates
(f) Added code for checking empty or invalid scope
configuration, and added code for validating manually entered dates, added error messages in case DB errors occur.
-- add hits and rating with special compact styling
-- finish carousel template
(the numerous SCOPEs with the new attractive styling of news template together with the slideshow like template. WILL make a killer feature??:)

KNOWN ISSUES in bug tracker:
1. Issue 284: Permissions for category are not used to create category tree, (But have documented class file flexicontent.categories.php in order to fix ... in next revisions), also permissions for viewing fields are ignored
2. Issue 292: Cannot order items or categories in backend
3. Issue 301: Building index in Advanced search does not STOP
4. Issue 330: (done for directory view and universal module, not done for category view) Category image column removed in J1.7, new location is in category attributes
5. Issue 333: Items not published are accessible by menu items pointing to them
6. Issue 334: SEF creating code adds id and cid segments always, even when a menu item exists

-- Flexicontent is Free but involves a big effort on our part.
Like the our support? (for a bug-free FC, despite having a long list of functions) Like the features? Like the ongoing development and future commitment to FLEXIcontent?
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