FLEXIContent - v2.0.0 - final for J2.5 released (r1648)

13 years 3 months ago #21315 by ggppdk
I have updated plugins to have paths prefixed with joomla folder for better compatibility with some plugins and i broke the minigallery add button in the backend.

Here is v2.0 RC2a r1056 (it has fix for minigallery add button)

It same as r1055 but with the fix for minigallery add button, for changelog since RC2 see my previous post


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13 years 3 months ago #21355 by ggppdk
About advanced search, it works in v1.5.6 and is broken in v2.0, particularly the building of index is broken.

For now, use standard joomla search component (com_search) and flexicontent standard search plugin.

The new version also supports searching tags, get here:

<!-- l --><a class="postlink-local" href=" www.flexicontent.org/phpbb/viewtopic.php...3787&start=20#p21324 ">viewtopic.php?f=21&t=3787&start=20#p21324

Also anyone finding this component useful please make review in extensions.joomla.org

Soon i will update various content of this site (Documentation and FAQ) and also make some a frontpage announcement of the new versions.

-- Flexicontent is Free but involves a big effort on our part.
Like the our support? (for a bug-free FC, despite having a long list of functions) Like the features? Like the ongoing development and future commitment to FLEXIcontent?
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13 years 3 months ago #21414 by Arkadiy
When you click "save" in edit type url
changes to
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13 years 3 months ago #21419 by ggppdk
Hello, arkadiy, nice to hear from you, it was just a minor bug, i have seen before but forgot to open a defect issue, it is now fixed in r1071.

I currently (although not done) yet,

1. i am cleaning up the type edit form to organize it in more sliders, so that it is more user friendly.

2. Plus i am adding custom labels (and custom descriptions) to core fields. So that we can customize them per type.

3. Adding multilanguage support to custom labels and descriptions (i mean for core fields, for custom fields we have via joomfish in J1.5)

These (labels & and descriptions) will be used in frontend/backend item edit forms and in item/category views.

I am working on ... , if i find time to finish in time, i will include in v1.5.6/J2.0


-- Flexicontent is Free but involves a big effort on our part.
Like the our support? (for a bug-free FC, despite having a long list of functions) Like the features? Like the ongoing development and future commitment to FLEXIcontent?
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13 years 3 months ago #21425 by Arkadiy
Make a working project for Flexi 2.0, so that there will be mistakes - I will write. Thank you for your work.
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13 years 3 months ago #21443 by effrit
also planning start new site after NY so will came with bugreport too :D
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