FLEXIContent - v2.0.0 - final for J2.5 released (r1648)

13 years 3 months ago #21463 by ggppdk
mmm, i don't see how this could be related to FLEXIcontent, joomla does what we call Routing, and calling the appropriate component to handle the page request.

In this case, it sounds like joomla redirects to home page if it cannot find where to route the request.

I have tested (J1.7.3) with various components set to be home page, and joomla redirected to home, when an invalid url was entered.

So it sounds like this is behavior before FLEXIconter code is reached. Of if FLEXIcontentis requested a non existing item , FLEXIcontent will produce a 404 HTTP response, but this is not the case, joomla just seems to redirect to home.


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13 years 2 months ago #21563 by ggppdk
since advanced search is not 100% finished in FC v2.0, please use joomla standard search component:

UPDATE i forgot link, get updated plugin here:
flexicontent.org/forum/index.php ... pic#p21562

For this, you will need to use the standard search plugin of FLEXIcontent, which supports searching in:
- title
- description (both intro and fulltext)
- in text fields
- in tags
this is authored by azaam, and i fixed the tags searching not returning all results.

Also in order not to get duplicate results, you will need to go to plugin manager, and in "Select Type" filter choose "search", and then find and disable plugins:
- Search - Content
- ADV Search - FLEXIcontent

-- Flexicontent is Free but involves a big effort on our part.
Like the our support? (for a bug-free FC, despite having a long list of functions) Like the features? Like the ongoing development and future commitment to FLEXIcontent?
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13 years 2 months ago #21575 by effrit
hi :)
first bugreport in 2012 :D

if i open one of "type" for editing and press "save" the Title is reset to empty field. So the next pressing "save" will cause an error (red highlighting this empty field)
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13 years 2 months ago #21578 by yasarts

ggppdk wrote: since advanced search is not 100% finished in FC v2.0, please use joomla standard search component:

For this, you will need to use the standard search plugin of FLEXIcontent, which supports searching in:
- title
- description (both intro and fulltext)
- in text fields
- in tags
this is authored by azaam, and i fixed the tags searching not returning all results.

Also in order not to get duplicate results, you will need to go to plugin manager, and in "Select Type" filter choose "search", and then find and disable plugins:
- Search - Content
- ADV Search - FLEXIcontent

I've done as you wrote but I've those error :
Notice: Undefined variable: created_year in .../plugins/search/flexisearch/flexisearch.php on line 169 Notice: Undefined variable: created_month in .../plugins/search/flexisearch/flexisearch.php on line 169 Notice: Undefined variable: itemid in .../plugins/search/flexisearch/flexisearch.php on line 169

and it don't find anything.

[COMMENT by ggppdk], Sorry i forgot to post link for the updated flexisearch plugin: GET here:
flexicontent.org/forum/index.php ... pic#p21562
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13 years 2 months ago #21579 by yasarts
Bugs on the order of items (on backend) : when i'm in a categorie (or any view), I can't order items.

[Comment by ggppdk] Yes this has been reported an we have an open defect issue in bug tracker, will fix soon
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13 years 2 months ago #21580 by ggppdk
Hello effrit :D , this is fixed in later revisions, try the updated model:
flexicontent.googlecode.com/svn/ ... s/type.php
i don't remember if more files is needed, i will make a night build soon

These 6 task i have half or nearly implemented:
1. extra voting capability (e.g. quality, speed, usability, etc, etc) (now we have only one vote type per item aka a mainvote) this will be compatible with extravote plugin tables (half done)

2. PER TYPE custom core labels with multi-language support with a restructured type (nearly done)

3. a cleaner news template adding all remaining core fields with compact & attractive styling with icons e.g. bronze,silver,gold star for rating (done)

4. A new carousel template (aka slideshow) for universal module (imagine the powerful scopes of universal module combined with the carousel template) (half done)

5. 2-3 more scopes for universal module INCLUDING a scope to display items listed in the related items field of the current item !!! (nearly done)

6. limiting category filters to only show the available values (custom fields done must do core)

Other things like i have implemented like a automatically tabbed textarea field and main text field (in both item edit form and in item view) i will not include because despite working , they are a difficult and a little dangerous, so these will be in v1.5.7 and v2.1.
Also a very requested feature to use per item-field folders for entering media files in fields, imagine having a folder that will be specific to a field of an item and choosing the files to enter in the minigallery, besides it makes little sense to enter gallery images files in the file manager ... this is based on smallfib and is very immature although i use it in some live sites.

v2.0 RC3 and after debbuging an bugs will be the final version


-- Flexicontent is Free but involves a big effort on our part.
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