How to use a new gallery in the image field ?

4 years 7 months ago #79215 by ggppdk

so i have it as a (GIT) stash half done in my local disk

you can make a reminder on Monday (which is after v3.3.8 release with 2 bug-fixes for Tags)

The good thing about it is that it being an independent layout
does not pose risk for adding new bugs,
and the layout itself will be marked as 'Experimental'

so you can help by testing it

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4 years 7 months ago #79249 by lclaude
Hello !

I seen you done the release, so... If you have some time to share me your files... I'll be happy ;)
Thanks by advance.


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4 years 7 months ago #79254 by ggppdk

yes i ll see to commit these

please ask again on Saturday morning

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4 years 7 months ago #79267 by lclaude
Hello... We're Saturday morniiiiing !
Please to commit your tests, thanks


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4 years 7 months ago - 4 years 7 months ago #79271 by ggppdk

just now, i have solved some issues with it

- but there is a requirement for the image container to have a fixed size
this is not much of a problem , a small one can be used since pannellum panorama has a full screen button

- also The pannellum panorama does not support srcset for autoloading smaller preview and small panoramic images in mobile clients
(like we do in most of the other layouts)
meaning the same images will be loaded for both mobile and desktop clients

but the image field can handle this with extra coding
for now i will give the layout as is

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Last edit: 4 years 7 months ago by ggppdk.

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4 years 7 months ago #79272 by lclaude
You done a great job, and it help me a lot.
It works here. Thank you!!

Don't know if I understand the problem with srcset and image sizes...
I see we have a notice on lines 26, 27:
Notice: Undefined index: o in /var/lib/nethserver/vhost/demo/joomla1/plugins/flexicontent_fields/image/tmpl/value_gallery_pannellum.php on line 26

I have do some adjustments to tests and to suit my needs, please to take a look on my files.
Don't forget I'm not developer, you need to do a code revue before use. It work for me, but it's probably not coded in the right way.

File Attachment:

File Name: value_gall....php.txt
File Size:3 KB

File Attachment:

File Name: value_gall....xml.txt
File Size:3 KB


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