How to use a new gallery in the image field ?

4 years 7 months ago - 4 years 6 months ago #79132 by lclaude

I want to display panoramic images (like here : ).

I want to use the FC image field for upload my images, but I can't use it to display them because there is not the gallery to display in panoramic mode.
I found a Joomla plugin, UP by Lomart :
but I can't use it because the image field does not work with Joomla plugins.

Is there a way to use another field to retrieve path/filename of uploaded images with the FC image field, and to use joomla plugins with prefix/suffix values?
Or... is there a way to add pannellum in FC gallerys (I'm not a devellopper!!)?

Thanks by advance for your help.

Last edit: 4 years 6 months ago by ggppdk.

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4 years 7 months ago #79138 by ggppdk

any JS gallery can be added by
- creating a new layout for the field (PHP +XML files)

using joomla plugin is not optimal

because the layout file itself is creating the needed HMTL and loading the needed CSS and JS
trying to use a Joomla plugin would be too restrictive

it looks simple to duplicate an existing layout of the gallery field to create an new layout that loads the Pannellum JS viewer

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4 years 7 months ago #79155 by lclaude
I understand. Yes, to create a new layout is the good way to do it.
I think I'm able to do a copy of existing layout and customise it, but I don't know how to integrate pannellum files (js, css)... Is there a tuto somewhere?


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4 years 7 months ago #79157 by micker
you need to load js and css via cdn
read this

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4 years 7 months ago #79173 by ggppdk

i have created a new layout to see if the images can be loaded,
according to example here:

and it works

but i have not tested thumbnail creation yet.
If it works with thumbnail creation i think to include this layout

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4 years 7 months ago #79195 by lclaude
Hey, it's a great news!
Can you publish or send me your files, I'll can do tests to. And take a look on how to do a plugin.


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