How to use a new gallery in the image field ?

4 years 7 months ago #79273 by ggppdk

do not use "original as thumbnail"

also it makes little benefit to use "original" as thumbnail
because you are forcing the loading of image as preview image slowing down initial page load
use medium or large as thumbnail

then the original is loaded when you click "load" inside the panorama box

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4 years 7 months ago #79274 by ggppdk

i have sent you a PM

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4 years 6 months ago #79288 by ggppdk

i have updated the layout with configuration for mobile
you can try the updated version

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4 years 6 months ago #79292 by lclaude

I have this error : please to see the attachment screenshot


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4 years 6 months ago #79293 by ggppdk

hhmm, the layout was built for FC v3.4.0 branch

i have committed a fix to v3.3.n branch

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4 years 6 months ago #79294 by lclaude
Thanks, now it works.
I'll test with more details that in few days.


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