How to use a new gallery in the image field ?

4 years 6 months ago #79346 by lclaude

Sorry for the delay, I was very busy. Here is my feedback:

Ok I understood the choice of thubnails. It's cool !

Actually when You clic on 'load' it's not the original picture wich is loaded but the thumbnail, I think You have to change this line :
"panorama": "' . JUri::root(true).'/'.$src . '",
by this one :
"panorama": "' . JUri::root(true).'/'.$srco . '",

Can't understand why there is settings for tablet and mobile *in the desktop tab*
There is not parameters in the Mobile tab
How does it work to have settings in the Mobile tab? Must we create another .xml or add a new section in the existing one?

In the div id="panorama_' I add display: inline-flex; in the style, in order to display multiple panoramas on a single line.



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4 years 6 months ago - 4 years 6 months ago #79349 by ggppdk
regarding your 2 points


Can't understand why there is settings for tablet and mobile *in the desktop tab*

-- "Desktop" and "Mobile" Tab load the (XML) configuration file of some gallery
e.g. fancybox gallery parameters, e.g. gallerific gallery parameters

Meaning that the "Desktop" and "Mobile" Tab are loading the full XML file

2. About changing
"panorama": "' . JUri::root(true).'/'.$src . '",
"panorama": "' . JUri::root(true).'/'.$srco . '",

yes, it should be $srco
($src is meant for the preview: setting)

i have committed the fix

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Last edit: 4 years 6 months ago by ggppdk.

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4 years 6 months ago #79351 by lclaude

Thanks, that's cool !

I have add a display: inline-flex; style, in the .php:
<div id="panorama_' . $uniqueid . '" style="width: ' . $w . 'px; height: ' . $w . 'px; max-width: 100%; max-height: ' . $vp_max_height . 'vh; display: inline-flex;"></div>

I have change the 'title' variable, and added 'author', like this :
"title": "' . $desc_encoded . '", "author": "' . $title_encoded .'",

And add 3 variables, for Pannellum features:
$Pannellum_autoRotate = (int) $field->parameters->get( $PPFX_ . 'autoRotate', 3 ); $Pannellum_orientationOnByDefault = (int) $field->parameters->get( $PPFX_ . 'orientationOnByDefault', 1 ); $Pannellum_showZoomCtrl = (string) $field->parameters->get( $PPFX_ . 'showZoomCtrl', 'true' );

So, the 'script' section become :
<div id="panorama_' . $uniqueid . '" style="width: ' . $w . 'px; height: ' . $w . 'px; max-width: 100%; max-height: ' . $vp_max_height . 'vh; display: inline-flex;"></div> <script> pannellum.viewer(\'panorama_' . $uniqueid . '\', { "type": "equirectangular", "panorama": "' . JUri::root(true).'/'.$srco . '", "preview": "' . $ABS_SRC . '", "title": "' . $desc_encoded . '", "author": "' . $title_encoded .'", "autoRotate": "' . $Pannellum_autoRotate .'", "orientationOnByDefault": "' . $Pannellum_orientationOnByDefault . '", "showZoomCtrl": "' . $Pannellum_showZoomCtrl . '" }); </script>

And in the .xml:
<field name="" type="separator" default="Pannellum options" level="level1" /> <field name="Pannellum_autoRotate" type="number" default="-5" label="Autorotate (°/s)" description="Setting this parameter causes the panorama to automatically rotate when loaded. The value specifies the rotation speed in degrees per second. Positive is counter-clockwise, and negative is clockwise" /> <field name="Pannellum_orientationOnByDefault" type="multilist" subtype="radio" default="1" toggle_related="1" label="Device orientation" description="If set to true, device orientation control will be used when the panorama is loaded, if the device supports it. If false, device orientation control needs to be activated by pressing a button." class="btn-group btn-group-yesno" depend_class=""> <option value="0">FLEXI_NO</option> <option value="1">FLEXI_YES</option> </field> <field name="Pannellum_showZoomCtrl" type="multilist" subtype="radio" default="true" toggle_related="1" label="Show zoom controls" description="If set to false, the zoom controls will not be displayed." class="btn-group btn-group-yesno" depend_class=""> <option value="0">FLEXI_NO</option> <option value="true">FLEXI_YES</option> </field>


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