Thank you very much for your work on this module! Great
I have one problem with the multi-language feature.
It displays all languages alltogether... Even if I have different articles in different languages. It doesn't change if I chose one language or another via the joomfish frontend selector.
- Last version of joomfish/flexi/AiDa (but same problem with allnews old version as well)
- I use joomfish with french and english languages.
- In the same flexi category (news), one article is set as french, another as english (only 2 contents).
- In the AiDA module, I set the language on "Joomfish support : chose" and I enter "FR" (other option doesn't work either, and I tried with "fr").
- Display: last entries, 3 items max
- Picture field created and set on the "article" article type
- On another website, I noticed we have to actually click on a language (joomfish module) to make to module to display only the seletcted language. Otherwise it displays ALL languages (if we are on the homepage, for exemple).
Any idea what could be the problem?