Pagebreak for FLEXIcontent Plugin v1.0.1

14 years 10 months ago - 14 years 10 months ago #6639 by flowman
I wrote my own pagebreak from scratch. Its almost done.

It has 2 option with java or like joomlas original pagebreak. Im done with the with java part.

Here is an example of it. You need to enable flexibreak in the description field

Call it beta 1 or something :D

I just checked out the extended pagebreak. Will implement some of its features in flexibreak.
Last edit: 14 years 10 months ago by flowman.

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14 years 10 months ago #6644 by kenmcd
Saved in folder called Pagebreak for FLEXIcontent (P).
The name Content - Pagebreak for FLEXIcontent would make it sort in the Joomla Plugin Manager right next to the core plug-in.

In documentation we will need to tell users to disable the core plug-in and enable the new plug-in.
Or will this work alone?


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14 years 10 months ago #6660 by flowman
I rewrote it from scratch last night. Added templates support from the pagebreak extended. And fixed the print button support.

Change the name as you wanted.

How to install it.

1. Install with Joomla installer.
2. Enable plugin in plugin manager.
3. In FLEXIContent fields -> description enable "Trigger content plugins" and select flexibreak in the list.

To skip 3. we could always add so it autoloads in the core description field.

Im still just done with the java part. Will have to start working on joomla native look later when i have time. But we have a basic working pagebreak plugin.

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14 years 10 months ago #6848 by kenmcd
Moderator note:
- split from another thread
- moved to Joomla Plug-ins forum

Nice v1.0.1 update!


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14 years 8 months ago #7786 by marcmarc
thanks for your plugin
I've followed your instructions but I don't understand how to add a pagebreak... (no button)
could you give me a clue?
joomla 1.5.18 / FLEXIcontent 1.5.2

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14 years 8 months ago #7908 by vistamedia
It's normal because as FLEXIcontent wasn't functioning properply with the default Joomla! pagebreak system I disabled it.
So you must edit administrator/components/com_flexicontent/views/item/tmpl/default.php
Then find:
$field->html = $this->editor->display( 'text', $maintext, '100%', $height, '75', '20', array('pagebreak') ) ;
And replace it by:
$field->html = $this->editor->display( 'text', $maintext, '100%', $height, '75', '20', array() ) ;

FLEXIcontent lead developer. web agency and custom development. co-administrator.
Please no PM for support request, use the forum for that!!!

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