[SOLVED] Chained Selects jQuery Plugin

11 years 9 months ago #37887 by brandonking
Is this feature coming next release?

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11 years 9 months ago #37898 by ggppdk
did you try duplicating the 'select' field and making the customization that you propose?

This way you can have this feature now ...

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11 years 9 months ago #37899 by brandonking
No I haven't tried creating duplicate of select field coz don't know what's the best way to disable select2.

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11 years 9 months ago #37901 by ggppdk
to disable select2 simply:
remove the the CSS class "use_select2_lib"

Find line
$classes = ' use_select2_lib ';
and change to
$classes = '';//' use_select2_lib ';

We will put a parameter for this, (to disable select2, but anyway when using chained selects select2 may not be as important or necessary)

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11 years 9 months ago #37905 by brandonking
I see... I will try to duplicate select field.

But I am still thinking using Select2 as Chained will be bettter... :)
As I mentioned earlier, The Select2 can be used as Chained Select as well but don't know how to implement. I have requested sample code but unfortunately no reply at all.

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11 years 9 months ago #37907 by ggppdk

i liked a specific lib that you suggested :

i think the above will give a smooth/powerful implementation

just no time to review/implement it

and i know that despites v2.0.3 having quite a few of mainly minor bug-fixes it also has additions, so you might ask yourself why not implement chained-select which is a really useful feature

well most time costly addition were templating ... which we will need anyway for J3.x support

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