Hi Micker,
I started again.
I set the itemordering on title
I set the the content for first 15 items on "XX". Maybe I could see some changes.
The Browserconsole does not show errors.
So I switched over to the Joomla settings:
Tab Server : errorreport: maximum
Tab Log:
Then I started import. This is the order in import csv.
First test
As expected this is after prepare import
The a short inport gauche and wait.
I shifted to flexicontent items
I checked first item. Textfield was changed as in import CSV
I checked second item. Textfield was changed as in import CSV
I checked third item. Textfield was not changed
I returned to Import that showed again the after prepare import
I checked the logfiles
Importcsv_547.php sais record 1 is imported
Everything.php gives an import report and error tree
Cron_estorage.php sais 'PHP' is not recognized
Second test
I started again the import
The a short inport gauche and wait.
I shifted to flexicontent items
I checked first item. Textfield was as in import CSV
I checked second item. Textfield was as in import CSV
I checked third item. Textfield was changed as in import CSV
I checked fourth item. Textfield was changed as in import CSV
I checked fifth item. Textfield was bot changed
I a glymps I saw a black sign left from the forth item.
I returned to Import that showed again the after prepare import
I checked the logfiles
Importcsv_547.php sais record 3 is imported
Everything.php added a second import report and error tree
Cron_estorage.php sais 'PHP' is not recognized
Third test
Because I saw the glympse of a black sign which I did not copy I repeated the second test
After the third test this is how the item list looked like
The log files after third test
Hope this will help
Regards Henk