Frontend Filtering for Featured items missing?

4 years 5 months ago #79481 by micker
point 2 you mix X language in same category ?

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4 years 5 months ago #79482 by Espi87
We use Falang for Content Translation. Therefor we have English as base language. I have activated in the Catgory view the "Search form - Text Search" (see image on top). If i'm on the for example german frontend page and put a german term (or some article content) in the text search filter it will not find it. But it will find the english terms. If needed i can give you frontend access via PN if needed.

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4 years 5 months ago #79483 by micker
but the category search search only in current category
can you test with search module ?

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4 years 5 months ago #79484 by Espi87
Normal Search works fine.
Search Filter only searches in english. Searches in the categories view (including sub-categories) but only english as mentioned.

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4 years 5 months ago #79485 by micker
i think you need to respect joomla native language convention if you doesn't want to wait a "correction"
1 category peer language with language assaociation

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4 years 4 months ago - 4 years 4 months ago #79526 by Espi87
Hallo again,

coming back to point one and two... I got rid of the search function and also got rid of the filter by featured items as i got no support for that.

I know it's bad to hear but i can't find any solution for the category translations bug. Using language tags in the category name itself is not an option as it makes problems in the article list of flexicontent.... so coming back to the bug: I don't understand why it shows ONLY the german translation but doesn't show the original english or any other translation. We use 9 languages.... All other filters working fine in all languages - but the "filter by category" has this error. I've created the english categories as usual (natively in flexicontent) and translated the names in falang as usual....
The categories will be translated everywhere but in this filter....

Please send me any code snippet and where to put it which should fix the problem - it could not be anything difficult (i think =)). I just have time until end of this year to finish the whole story.
Last edit: 4 years 4 months ago by Espi87.

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