Frontend Filtering for Featured items missing?

4 years 5 months ago #79415 by Espi87
i couldn't find any possibilty to "filter by featured items" in the frontend.
Of course you can show "ONLY featured items" but not via filtering method.

How it should be:

Explanation: I have a frontend page which shows articles from different subcategories. In the frontend you should be able to filter by category, some other custom "tags" and featured items. Everything works like a charm but this featured thing. Best would be to have a core method to do so. Any idea how to add this function as a custom filter or did i oversee something?!?!?

Best regards

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4 years 5 months ago #79417 by micker

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4 years 5 months ago #79419 by Espi87
Hallo, thank you for this information but unfortunately it is not a status field and i could not reach it. The featured field is an item related markup. I tried it via SQL query but i'm not a programmer - so i receive only errors =).

I will use the field type "checkbox" - do you have a solution for an SQL query to filter by featured items? Maybe something like: Put into Field values following code: "{item->featured}" <-- i don't know :D
Thank you in advance

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4 years 5 months ago #79420 by micker
sorry for that by i didn't think we have this option ... you can add filtering in menu link option but not in dynamique filtering ...
the solution is to create your own feature field and use filtering option on it ... i will open an request but sure to be a prority

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4 years 5 months ago #79426 by Espi87
Thanks - but this doesn't help, because we are using this "featured thing" as a "NEW/recent/recommended" markup symbol. So we need to be very flexible in changing these fields. (yes i know that theres a markup thing integrated for automatic markings like 24h old 1m old etc. - but we can not use this one becuase sometimes we update information that should not be shown as "new" ;).

Unfortunately i found some other bugs that make problems with flexicontent.
We are using FC+Falang with 9 languages.

1. The Category selector doesn't show the translation of the Category Name in the Category Filter. So my temporary workaround is now to use language tags {lang uk}Category{/lang}.... Thats not the best solution but works for now.
2. And THIS IS a problem. The integrated flexcontent "Text-Search field" will only search the standard language for information. Unfortunately that doesn't make sense at all..... Some workaround for that existing?

Best regards

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4 years 5 months ago #79480 by Espi87
i need a workaround for my last point (2). Please help. Thanks!

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