Frontend Filtering for Featured items missing?

3 years 7 months ago #80654 by Espi87
Sorry for late reply - i gave up my hopes as you said you will do this at weekend almost one year ago.... and i was caring about all other topics i have.
Still yes - translation of the website (including categories) is via Falang.
And even with the latest version it is still not working - you can check it here

Best regards

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2 years 7 months ago #82614 by Espi87
Almost two years and the bug of not translating categories is still there.... At the end it is a standard feature which is not working properly and nobody cares.. Anyway most of the people use flexicontent and joomla for single language websites :D hahaha wre

... Further the Filter for featured items is also not even "in development" (honestly it takes 2 hours of work...) - which initally was the idea of this thread. (We just added a featured items counter by our own which is fine for us)

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2 years 7 months ago #82635 by micker
sorry to read this
if you have solution please make a pr on github and help us
for now we provide free component free support and sometime we didn't have time (pro works, family ...)

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