'Created By' to link to user?

11 years 11 months ago #26940 by carolineCSH

I've just found this topic, and this is exactly what I want to do. I'm trying to put links from the field "created by" to the community builder profile page of the author.

I tried to follow these steps but it doesn't seems to work (but actually i'm not really good at coding). Is there a new manipulation to do with the latest versions of flexicontent and Joomla (I'm working with Joomla 2.5) or maybe is there a plugin or an extension that can do that more easily ?

Thank you,


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11 years 11 months ago #26941 by ggppdk
The above code works, you will need the help of someone with good enough knowledge to apply this code to a FLEXIcontent template.

Because i have taken time to write the above to create a new field for it is not too much work, at the time i had opened this issue too:

code.google.com/p/flexicontent/i ... %20Summary

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