Slow item form saving on big site with relation field

8 years 11 months ago - 8 years 11 months ago #60718 by arc3c

We have a large flexicontent site (+10000 articles). We have about 20 flexicontent types with each about 100 custom fields. One field is a related items field. Some articles have a lot of references to other articles.
A basic new item takes about 13 sec to save with no fields filled in. If starting adding a lot of related items (+100 links), then the saving of an article can goes up to +1 minute. Is this behaviour normal? Can we optimize settings? I have run the mysql queries directly on the database and this is very fast (0.0017 sec). We don't think mysql is the issue.

Thanks for the help in advance
Last edit: 8 years 11 months ago by ggppdk.

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8 years 11 months ago - 8 years 11 months ago #60719 by micker
FLEXIcontent version ?
Joomla version ?
Serveur config ?

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Last edit: 8 years 11 months ago by ggppdk.

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8 years 11 months ago - 8 years 11 months ago #60721 by ggppdk

Item form saving
1- clears some shared cache data,
2- and it updates indexes
3- it is effected by number of templates
4- relation field is download and looping ALL allowed items

1. is optimized in v3.013 / v3.014
2. was optimized in v3.0.x

3. it starts to become an issue, if you have 40+ flexicontent templates

4. the problem in your site is the relation field, it is probably 80%-95% of the time spent
(especially in item form loading)

relation field is set to be updated and optimized in v3.1 ....

-- Flexicontent is Free but involves a big effort on our part.
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Last edit: 8 years 11 months ago by ggppdk.

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8 years 11 months ago #60726 by arc3c
joomla 3.4.8
flexicontent version 3.0.13
Server config: VM 8 Gb Ram, 12 cores, SSD disk

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8 years 11 months ago #60727 by ggppdk

you may send me a PM with admin access to review this

there may be other things in effect

-- Flexicontent is Free but involves a big effort on our part.
Like the our support? (for a bug-free FC, despite having a long list of functions) Like the features? Like the ongoing development and future commitment to FLEXIcontent?
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8 years 11 months ago #60846 by arc3c
I have send you a PM with a user.

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