How to decrease server request on Flexicontent Page

11 years 2 months ago #43824 by mtgt

I just wondering if there are some tips about decreasing Server Request (CPU and Memory Usage) on Server for FLEXIcontent page using few plugins inside.

I ask that because I got some restriction from my server because of usage server excess.

One of the page using flexicontent ... /australie

Thanks in advance for your advice

"La vie n'est qu'opportunité !" ;-) Nomads Road - Une aventure interactive autour du monde Infos pour préparer son voyage en Australie et en Nouvelle-Zélande

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11 years 2 months ago #43826 by micker
at first actived :
-joomla cache
-flexicontent cache
check your code and plugin execution in field

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11 years 2 months ago #43837 by ggppdk

-1- latest version of FLEXIcontent and most notably v2.1.2 are built to use less CPU

- item view, category / tags / favourite views and in v2.1.2 the FLEXIcontent Universal content module TODO - improve the CPU and speed of the search view

2. Latest version of FLEXIContent v2.x are built so that they can work with Joomla Full page caching (System cache plugin) , which will give you great cpu/speed improvements if

but this will not count hits ! (we think we can fix this by moving hits counting to a system plugin)

3. Temporarily enable the performance statistics PARAMETER in the FLEXIcontent component options (it is inside first TAB near the top section) and see if some part is CPU hungry

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11 years 2 months ago #43850 by mtgt

yes I use the latest version of FlexiContent 2.1.2 r1806 beta ( I download the latest but I still have beta :o )
I enable the performance statistics, it look ok but there are only Flexicontent fields, nothing about plugin field.
Here is the report
** [Flexisystem PLG: Auto Checkin/Auto state(e.g. archive): 0.01 s] 0.000 seconds (0.000); 16.36 MB (16.357) - START: FLEXIcontent component 0.541 seconds (0.541); 37.66 MB (21.302) - END: FLEXIcontent component: (VIEW: item) -- [Initialize component: 0.06 s] -- [FC Templates Parsing (not cacheable) : 0.02 s] -- [Joomla Content Plugins: 0.10 s] -- [Get/Calculate Item Properties: 0.02 s] -- [FC Fields Value Retrieval: 0.01 s] -- [FC "item" view Template Rendering: 0.03 s] -- [FC Fields Rendering: 0.20 s] FIELD: created : 0.007 s FIELD: createdby : 0.000 s FIELD: modified : 0.000 s FIELD: modifiedby : 0.000 s FIELD: hits : 0.000 s FIELD: type : 0.000 s FIELD: version : 0.000 s FIELD: state : 0.000 s FIELD: title : 0.000 s FIELD: voting : 0.001 s FIELD: favourites : 0.000 s FIELD: categories : 0.004 s FIELD: tags : 0.002 s FIELD: maintext : 0.000 s FIELD: text : 0.014 s FIELD: checkbox : 0.009 s FIELD: textarea : 0.009 s FIELD: file : 0.008 s FIELD: extendedweblink : 0.009 s FIELD: fcloadmodule : 0.018 s FIELD: date : 0.006 s FIELD: radioimage : 0.005 s FIELD: checkboximage : 0.006 s FIELD: toolbar : 0.012 s FIELD: minigallery : 0.009 s FIELD: image : 0.074 s FIELD: radio : 0.005 s

So everything look good, probably a plugin inside causing trouble with CPU.

Thanks for your help

"La vie n'est qu'opportunité !" ;-) Nomads Road - Une aventure interactive autour du monde Infos pour préparer son voyage en Australie et en Nouvelle-Zélande

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11 years 1 month ago #44143 by mtgt

About CPU Usage.
I just notice the gallery, even when the page is finish to load, use the php fonction to load each image include in the gallery.

In one page I have 16 images, so 16 thumbs, each time the main image is load calling the php fonction.

Is this could be bad for the CPU Usage if many people look these ort of page with many photos?

Thanks in advance for your answer.

"La vie n'est qu'opportunité !" ;-) Nomads Road - Une aventure interactive autour du monde Infos pour préparer son voyage en Australie et en Nouvelle-Zélande

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11 years 1 month ago #44148 by ggppdk

the images are anyway read from the disk,

-- the PHP code will only check the image header of the images is checked for correct size so that thumbnails will be recreated if needed according to size and cropping / scaling parameters


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