save a search

6 years 5 months ago #74701 by Bribriss
save a search was created by Bribriss

Is it possible to save a search?
Not the results but the query itself.
Explanation: For an event site I wish that a visitor (previously registered) does not have to retype his request when he reconnects to check if new events are announced but that - on the contrary - his home page presents him immediately the latest results of the research he had recorded.


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6 years 5 months ago #74707 by ggppdk
Replied by ggppdk on topic save a search

this is not implemented
but would like to ask about , as this is not uncommon need
and 1 or 2 of our users may have mentioned something like this before

do you mean
-- that user clicks to save a search ?
like the  user clicks to save a favourite ?
thus user has a list of searches

-- or this is about something more automatic
like the website will remember the last search (just one search) of the user ?

in any case this will also effect privacy aspects of the website

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6 years 5 months ago #74710 by Bribriss
Replied by Bribriss on topic save a search
In my idea I thought of your second proposal but what you suggest is even better: store searches as we do for favorites. The top!

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