Custom filed not displaying in the beggining of the category

6 years 8 months ago - 6 years 8 months ago #74030 by sotiris
Trying to find out how search of custom filed is working especially in peer categories.For example i have a main category database for example and subcategories lv1 eg sub1 and sub2 and in this subcategories i have another sub categories eg sub11 sub12 sub 13 sub21 etc.Creating custom filed and assigning them to articles then when i try to make a search from the top of the category nothing is shown.The custom fields is showing up if i have been in the subcategory only.i have created all indexes again also i have stop all other search plhgins and i have only flexiadvsearch plugin active still cant search from top level even with the name of an article that is ona level 2 subcategory.
Is there any work around to search from the top category and going down to subcategories or search is working only in the same category?
Last edit: 6 years 8 months ago by sotiris.

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6 years 8 months ago #74032 by ggppdk

search will use the current category view configuration

if you have configured to show subcategory items then you can search for them too

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6 years 8 months ago #74034 by sotiris
well its true that search has more options.But the search i have activated in the category properties in search/filter form i have activate there "use search".It shows the search module but it doesnt include any subcategory custom fields i have created only if i enter in the specific subcategory this is working.General search is working a little bit better cause there i can search with the specific advance search options.

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6 years 8 months ago #74035 by ggppdk

do you mean that a custom filter for the category view does not display ?

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6 years 8 months ago #74036 by ggppdk

if you mean a custom filter, then yes of course
a filter selected in subcategories will not display in its parent category view

Filters displayed are the ones configured (or inherited via configuration) for current category view

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6 years 8 months ago #74037 by ggppdk

please see my previous answers
if it is not the case that i described

then you may put the website online

and send me a PM with URL
and some steps to show the issue
maybe 2-3 pictures too

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