Pb when i save my old item

11 years 10 months ago #36237 by akalbs
I speack very bad english.

I work on migration joomla1.5 with flexicontent to 2.5 with flexicontent 2.0.1.

the old items are not good. I want modified all.
But when I save after modification, I have this message :

saveFields(): SQL QUERY ERROR:
Table '103928_carepuf.jnew_flexicontent_advsearch_index' doesn't exist SQL=INSERT INTO jnew_flexicontent_advsearch_index VALUES ( 16,718,0,'journée','0'),( 19,718,0,'1 fois par an','0'),( 14,718,0,'témoignage','11')

En français :
Je travaille à la migration d'un site sous Joomla1.5 avec Flexicontent vers joomla2.5 toujours avec Flexicontent2.0.2.
NB : j'ai installé flexicontent à un moment ou il était annoncé que l'on pouvait avoir qu'une partie du site sous flexicontent (sur conseil de Manu).
Tous les articles récupérés qui en Joomla1.5 étaient sous flexicontent présentes des choses bizarres, certains sont en français seulement, d'autres dans toutes les langues.
Mais ce qui est sur c'est que chaque fois que je veux en modifier un; j'ai un message d'erreur dont j'ai mis le texte dans ma version anglaise.

Best regard

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11 years 10 months ago #36244 by ggppdk
Replied by ggppdk on topic Pb when i save my old item

please install the new package avalable for it (r1679) v2.0.2

after installing it, please resave any items that you have saved since having this error or re-build adv-search index


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11 years 10 months ago #36246 by akalbs
Replied by akalbs on topic Pb when i save my old item
Thank you Gorgio.
I have installed the news version 2.0.2 (just on my computer, for test).

I have save one item ,and the message is

saveFields(): SQL QUERY ERROR:
Table 'zepuf25v21.jnew_flexicontent_advsearch_index' doesn't exist SQL=INSERT INTO jnew_flexicontent_advsearch_index (field_id,item_id,extraid,search_index,value_id) VALUES ( 28,529,0,'Tous âges','1'),( 28,529,1,'Tout-petits','2'),( 29,529,0,'Public engagé','1'),( 17,529,0,'Dimanche','0'),( 18,529,0,'Matin','0'),( 19,529,0,'1 fois par mois','0'),( 14,529,0,'enfant','1'),( 14,529,1,'culte','7'),( 14,529,2,'contes','8')

And after the index re-build, the error is

Table 'zepuf25v21.jnew_flexicontent_advsearch_index' doesn't exist SQL=SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS ai.sid FROM jnew_flexicontent_advsearch_index as ai JOIN jnew_content as a ON ai.item_id=a.id JOIN jnew_flexicontent_items_ext as ext ON ext.item_id=a.id JOIN jnew_flexicontent_fields_type_relations as rel ON rel.field_id=ai.field_id AND rel.type_id=ext.type_id JOIN jnew_flexicontent_fields as f ON ai.field_id=f.id ORDER BY a.title ASC LIMIT 0, 20

There is something rotten in the kingdom of ;)
I not understand at all.
Thank's and Best regard

Do not forget that I speak very badly English (thank Reverso) ;)

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11 years 10 months ago #36248 by ggppdk
Replied by ggppdk on topic Pb when i save my old item
did you install r1678 or r1679?

I tested on new/existing installation and table is created properly.

Please provide PHP/Mysql versions !! and type of server

Please do:
1. reinstall without uninstalling is table created properly?
2. you can run this in phpmyadmin to create it
(if it gives you error then please copy it here!!)
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `jnew_flexicontent_advsearch_index` ( `sid` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `field_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `item_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `extraid` int(11) NOT NULL, `search_index` longtext NOT NULL, `value_id` varchar(255) NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`field_id`,`item_id`,`extraid`), KEY `sid` (`sid`), KEY `field_id` (`field_id`), KEY `item_id` (`item_id`), FULLTEXT `search_index` (`search_index`), KEY `value_id` (`value_id`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM CHARACTER SET `utf8` COLLATE `utf8_general_ci`;

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11 years 10 months ago #36262 by micker
Replied by micker on topic Pb when i save my old item
ce qu'il te propose c'est de faire une installe propre pour voir si la table est créé
Après fait cette requête sql sur une sauvegarde de ton site en local

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11 years 10 months ago #36354 by akalbs
Replied by akalbs on topic Pb when i save my old item

Thanks Georgio.

I have installed a new joomla with flexicontent. The table advserch is installed correctly

I have creating the table on my site. And now is good for this problem.

This evening, i go modified anythink more aisy, and tomorow, the nex day is good for a new problem !

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