Using Flexicontent article Editing in another extension

10 years 9 months ago #47045 by mazataza
I would like to build an extension for my client about daily radio broadcasting.
it should work as a playlist.
The extension will allow user to add radio broadcasts (a playlist) and each playlist can include as much articles as it needed. (these articles surely include a field to store the MP3 file).
The extension will allow user to include an existing article or create new article to a playlist.
for the first one it is simple to open a window for selecting an article.
for the second option i don't know how to do it and how to return to my extension admin after adding a new article.

Is that possible?

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10 years 9 months ago #47046 by ggppdk

you want to create relation between FLEXIcontent articles ?

about 3rd party extension what do you mean ?
are you are creating a new custom component or you would want to create a new FLEXIcontent field TYPE ?

for duplicating an existing FLEXIcontent field and creating a new field type, see instructions in our FAQ:

How to Duplicate a Flexicontent Field to create a new Field Type

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10 years 9 months ago #47047 by mazataza
I want to develop a custom component for joomla and should be depend on Flexicontent.
in this component i want to use the same article editing tools used by Flexicontent like new/edit/delete.
The component can be show like this.

1- in the main admin part it show a table of playlists
2- when clicking on a playlist it should show the articles included in this playlist. here i want edit/create those article as Flexicontent does.
3- after editing/creating the article i want to return to point (2) again.

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10 years 9 months ago #47060 by ggppdk

i think you should make a FLEXIcontent type and 1 or more custom fields type to accomodate the functionality that you need

about your custom component, you can make an SQL query to the #__content table and join with #__flexicontent_items_ext to get whatever information you have in mind


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10 years 9 months ago #47072 by mazataza
I think it is still not clear what i mean.
what i mean when a user want to add a new article in my component i want to access such editing screen

so that the user has the same functionality when add/creating/deleting item in flexicontent admin part.

in other words i want to reuse the code of flexicontent.

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10 years 9 months ago #47082 by ggppdk

ok but can you tell as a specific task that you want to do that is not general programming and general Joomla programming ?

surely you are not asking on how to create a Joomla component there are joomla docs available for this

thus your question can be


1. how i create a listing of my custom component items via a FLEXIcontent field

2. how do i list inside my component a selection list for flexicontent items

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