I have the last version of the module but I still can't figure out this date problem.
I would like to have this date format
%A %d %B %Y %Hh%M
but what ever I put in the module parameter, I still have in front-end this format : 2010-05-07 20:00 (for example).
I precise that the format date is correct in the item view, after clicking on the "read more" link.
An other problem is about ordering.
I want to display the next events and order by a date field I created so I selected the last option :
$flexidateordering = "\n LEFT JOIN #__flexicontent_fields_item_relations AS fd ON a.id = fd.item_id";
$condition_avenir = "\n AND fd.field_id = " . $date_field_id;
$condition_avenir .= "\n AND STR_TO_DATE(fd.value,'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') >= '$now' " ;
$ordering = " STR_TO_DATE(fd.value,'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') ASC";
It orders fine by date till there is no hour and minute specified. When I add hour and minute, no items are displayed anymore: blank module.
Does someone succeed to order events by date and hour ?
One more thing, it's not possible to display just the event of the day. I tried that
$condition_avenir .= "\n AND STR_TO_DATE(fd.value,'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') = '$now' " ;
but nothing is displayed. I guess it's because the script is looking for an item dated not only of the current day but also of the current minute and second...
Thanks for your help