CB Articles et FlexiContent(solved)

10 years 3 months ago - 10 years 1 month ago #51365 by mfe13260
Sur un site en construction J2.5 et CB 2.03, j'utilise le plugin article dans le profil user.
Le problème est qu'il appelle l'article par Joomla et non par Flexi Content.
Quelqu'un a t-il déjà eut ce problème ? :shock:

Merci d'avance
Last edit: 10 years 1 month ago by mfe13260.

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10 years 3 months ago #51367 by ggppdk

you want to trigger a content plugin inside the description

edit the description field and make sure
1. that "content plugin triggering" is ON
2. select none plugin from the list (=trigger all plugins)

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10 years 3 months ago #51393 by mfe13260

No sorry, that's not what I want.
In Cb user profile, there is a plugin that shows links to articles written by the users (CB Plugin Article)
It can be configured to work with Joomla articles and K2 but not Flexicontent.
So the links point to the items and categories joomla (not FlexiContent).


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10 years 3 months ago #51396 by micker
more simple create an universal module
use current item scope
use author scope
display only title + link
create a load module field and displau this module
drag and drop in position

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10 years 3 months ago #51404 by mfe13260
I mean the plugin "cb articles" in a community builder user profile.
Sorry, I don't understand your method ...

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10 years 3 months ago #51405 by micker
tu veus afficher la liste des articles d'un utilisateur c'est bien ca ?

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