First, thanks for your feedbacks.
I think i will wait for the Flexicontent stable release to update the plugin. But i keep your request in my mind.
1) How can I order them by date?
In the selelect_flexiitems_reverse parameters, you can choose in what order the items are displayed. May be you have to clean the cache after you modify this parameter. But it's working for me.
2) Also, can I include the intro text and assign # of characters before it says "read_more"
It'll be great to can choose in the plugin parameters all the fields we want to display. But i'm waiting for the next Flexicontent version to see if there is a simple way to do that.
For now, i think you can use the Include content Item plugin from kksou (
) to display introtext and readmore Link.
In the selelect_flexiitems_reverse parameters, you have to choose : 'Trigger content plugins' : yes and select 'Include-Content-Item', Display : 'Value', Add a link : 'No'; Prefix : {include_content_item Suffix: "params_of_include_content_item" }
I didn't test this solution, but it is an idea
3) And how can I display the date of the article as well? This part is no big deal, but would be an added bonus!
Same answer that 2). I will have a look at this
For your suggestions, i'm agree with you : as for questions of ComposerRyan, it will be great to choose the fields we want to display, but i had a look at this, and i didn't find a good method.
I think we can load fields directly in the template. But just wait for the next Flexicontent release to see if there is a generic way to do that.
if you use the plugin on the same type, it won't work?
It works for same type items. (you can just link article together, if you want)
I hope my english is understandable,