Display Thumbnails in Relation Reverse Field.

8 months 6 days ago #85400 by HenkKV
I am using Joomla 5.1 and Flexicontent 4.2.1.
Now I am developing a Photo-album site.
I created Itemtype Dia. Itemtype Dia contains Imagefield dia
I created Itemtype DiaSerie Containing Relation-reverse field rk-serie-dia
In Itemtype Diaserie I display all reverse related Items Dia using field rk-serie-dia and showing a thumbnail of field dia.
I used parameters:
Parameter "opening text for field" contains :<div style="width:25%; display: inline-block">
Parameter "closing text for field" contains :</div>
Parameter "Item HTML" contains:  __display_text__<br />{{dia##display_original}}

I changed  {{dia##display_original}} in {{dia##display_small}}, {{dia##display_medium}}, {{dia##display_largel}} as suggested in support forum.
However the display does not change thumbnails only show size of small thumbnail
I also tested dfifferent values for "width" in <div>. This showed no changes.

The thumbnails now are very small and I want to have them bigger.
Regards Henk KV

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8 months 2 days ago #85408 by micker
Hello did you have a link for sée it ?

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8 months 1 day ago #85414 by HenkKV
I wil put this online in a testwebsite nest weekend. Must figure out ho tot do it as part of my personal website.
Regards Henk KV

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7 months 3 weeks ago #85422 by micker

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