the position of the tabs are stored in the session cookie

5 years 6 months ago #77134 by arc3c

We are using flexicontent and in order to display content, we make use of tabs.
The problem is that flexicontent remember which tab is opened in the last article.This is stored in the cookie session. We would like to have the following behaviour. Each article should open with the same tab (the default tab), no matter that auser browse to another tab on the previous article. The users are now missing a lot of content.
Is there a setting to disable this?

Thanks for the feedback

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5 years 6 months ago #77135 by ggppdk

it is possible to make this state to be remembered per item

and we can store tab state e.g. for the last 20 items

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5 years 6 months ago #77138 by arc3c
And where do we find this setting?

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5 years 6 months ago #77139 by ggppdk

there is no such setting yet

> it is possible to make

maybe is should have send "implement" instead of "make"

The question is how to address this issue, and i was suggesting a way to "address" / fix
- before fixing something , a decision should be made what is the correct and proper fix

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