Translation of fast apply and preview button in backend

9 years 7 months ago #55590 by walkyripa

I manage to translate the "apply" button via the substitution tool in backend. However concerning the button "Fast Apply" and "Preview", i can't.

Could you help me and tell me where i can change them?

By the way, is it possible to hide the "Fast apply" button? (My users are not familiar with it).

Thank you so much.

Oh! one more thing : this 2 last weeks i swith from a J 2.5 to J3.4 site, and then make a big upgrade of flexicontent : Let me tell you how this was confortable (data import, parameters, css). Your component is really a must have!

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9 years 7 months ago - 9 years 7 months ago #55591 by micker
i think you can do an override by isis template => in isis css folder create a flexicontent.css file and put your modification inside (i think it will works)
for update => if you didn't hack flexicontent (you are in 2.2.1 version ?) you can update to v3 RC (classic installation)
for translation use override language systeme of joomla => filter to admin language and search FLEXI_FAST_APPLY
after i think you need to update some CSS because we clean flexicontent css to use template css sometime it create some display modification not too hard to correct

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Last edit: 9 years 7 months ago by micker.

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9 years 7 months ago #55592 by walkyripa
Hello and thank you for the reply.

micker wrote: i think you can do an override by isis template => in isis css folder create a flexicontent.css file and put your modification inside (i think it will works)

No it doesn't work, i then modify directly the template.css of isis (care with update :().

micker wrote: for update => if you didn't hack flexicontent (you are in 2.2.1 version ?) you can update to v3 RC (classic installation)

I only see the "FLEXIcontent v3.0.0 Beta7g for J3.x" in download area, which is the one i already have.

micker wrote: for translation use override language systeme of joomla => filter to admin language and search FLEXI_FAST_APPLY

That works (i don't know why joomla didn't found this field in substitution tool).

So my only question staying is : how can i translate the preview button?

Thank you!

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9 years 7 months ago #55593 by micker
same why for button it's string
yes you can discorver new flexicontent with 3g beta
rc is comming

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