After upgrading a website from Joomla 3.10.12 to 4.4.0, we noticed that FC no longer fetches the image parameter defined in a category and its sub-categories in category view.
If we switch from
Use image Parameter to
Try paramerter then image extract, in the
Image Source setting, the first image in the description field is loaded, however.
We are controlling the category view at the menu item level, even though the same behaviour happens if we disable the
Override view parameters option.
Whereas in Joomla 3.10.12, the rendered source loads the image as follows:
<img class="fccat_image" src="/components/com_flexicontent/librairies/phpthumb/phpThumb.php?src=/images/2020/icons/283x283/emissions_283.png&w=283&h=283&aoe=1&q=95&ar=x&zc=1&f=png" alt="Prevention of Pollution by Ships" title="Prevention of Pollution by Ships">
The img element is completely absent from the rendered source when Image Parameter is chosen in the Image Source setting.
In terms of error reporting, there isn't much to go by.
Apache is silent, Joomla isn't saying much either, even though error reporting is set to Maximum.
The JS console throws a couple of errors that may or may not be related to the issue:
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected end of input (at uikit.min.js:41:1)
jquery.js?3.7.1:3783 jQuery.Deferred exception: Cannot set properties of null (setting 'innerHTML') TypeError: Cannot set properties of null (setting 'innerHTML')
at create_column_choosers (http://localhost:8081/mainsite-j4/components/com_flexicontent/assets/js/flexi-lib.js?879cc10a870c422251576b33306c65f5:1229:54)
at HTMLDocument.<anonymous> (http://localhost:8081/mainsite-j4/we-do/sustainability.html:154:4)
at mightThrow (http://localhost:8081/mainsite-j4/media/vendor/jquery/js/jquery.js?3.7.1:3489:29)
at process (http://localhost:8081/mainsite-j4/media/vendor/jquery/js/jquery.js?3.7.1:3557:12) undefined
jQuery.Deferred.exceptionHook @ jquery.js?3.7.1:3783
process @ jquery.js?3.7.1:3561
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery.js?3.7.1:3602
fire @ jquery.js?3.7.1:3223
fireWith @ jquery.js?3.7.1:3353
fire @ jquery.js?3.7.1:3361
fire @ jquery.js?3.7.1:3223
fireWith @ jquery.js?3.7.1:3353
ready @ jquery.js?3.7.1:3844
completed @ jquery.js?3.7.1:3854
jquery.js?3.7.1:3793 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set properties of null (setting 'innerHTML')
at create_column_choosers (flexi-lib.js?879cc10a870c422251576b33306c65f5:1229:54)
at HTMLDocument.<anonymous> (sustainability.html:154:4)
at mightThrow (jquery.js?3.7.1:3489:29)
at process (jquery.js?3.7.1:3557:12)
create_column_choosers @ flexi-lib.js?879cc10a870c422251576b33306c65f5:1229
(anonymous) @ sustainability.html:154
mightThrow @ jquery.js?3.7.1:3489
process @ jquery.js?3.7.1:3557
setTimeout (async)
jQuery.readyException @ jquery.js?3.7.1:3792
(anonymous) @ jquery.js?3.7.1:3812
mightThrow @ jquery.js?3.7.1:3489
process @ jquery.js?3.7.1:3557
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery.js?3.7.1:3602
fire @ jquery.js?3.7.1:3223
fireWith @ jquery.js?3.7.1:3353
fire @ jquery.js?3.7.1:3361
fire @ jquery.js?3.7.1:3223
fireWith @ jquery.js?3.7.1:3353
process @ jquery.js?3.7.1:3577
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery.js?3.7.1:3602
fire @ jquery.js?3.7.1:3223
fireWith @ jquery.js?3.7.1:3353
fire @ jquery.js?3.7.1:3361
fire @ jquery.js?3.7.1:3223
fireWith @ jquery.js?3.7.1:3353
ready @ jquery.js?3.7.1:3844
completed @ jquery.js?3.7.1:3854
If You want to look into the DB queries log, I am attaching it below.
Our environment:
Joomla 4.4.0
FC 4.2.1
PHP 7.4.31 (in this particular project we are forbidden from using PHP 8,x)