-- they are not outdated in regards to this,
the item form is not part of the FLEXIcontent templates,
the templates customize the item view and category view (=category like views: category, multiple cats, my items, author view)
(also they customize some parts of the above, alpha-index, filters, pagination, etc, but really avoid changing these, since they are parameter for alpha-index and filters, etc)
1. For customizing the item form, you edit the FLEXIcontent components settings, there is a TAB "item form" containing parameters to customizing item form
2. You can override these settings for every content type, please edit content type
3. Finally if you don't get what you want
(but i discourage do this, unless you have an important reason) you can do a Joomla template override:
(our FAQ article is:)
How to Override View