help to create new template from scratch

11 years 4 months ago #41089 by joomla_user

Im new to Joomla and to FlexiContent.
Right now im trying to create my own template for FC item submission form, from scratch. I searched through FAQ and tutorials but I was unable to find what i was looking for.
The tutorial here on website seems outdated and when i was following it, i ended up with FC recognizing my new template but without the edit item layout or category layout options. What I did so far was to create all the files, I edited my own item.php, item.xml and item.css as per the tutorial (and those files was different from the same files in other default supplied templates - hence my assumption its outdated)
This is the tutorial : ... cture.html
Could anyone please point me to the up to date documentation?
or explain how to do it right ?

Any help would be much appriciated,
thanks in advance.

My environment, J!2.5, FC r1781

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11 years 4 months ago #41099 by ggppdk

-- they are not outdated in regards to this,
the item form is not part of the FLEXIcontent templates,

the templates customize the item view and category view (=category like views: category, multiple cats, my items, author view)

(also they customize some parts of the above, alpha-index, filters, pagination, etc, but really avoid changing these, since they are parameter for alpha-index and filters, etc)

1. For customizing the item form, you edit the FLEXIcontent components settings, there is a TAB "item form" containing parameters to customizing item form

2. You can override these settings for every content type, please edit content type

3. Finally if you don't get what you want (but i discourage do this, unless you have an important reason) you can do a Joomla template override:

(our FAQ article is:)
How to Override View




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11 years 3 months ago #41197 by joomla_user
Thank you for your reply.
In case i was not clear, my goal is to desigh the template(form) in which user will submit an article (item), create fields and locations(areas) where fields will be located. The default template does not have enough areas for my needs so i wanted to create a new one, and if it is not possible how can i extend the default template to have more areas ??
I can edit the item layout (putting fields on exisiting areas) but its not enough, i need more areas.
Also, i cant find the "item form" tab, can you please tell where is it ?

Thanks in advance,

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11 years 3 months ago #41201 by ggppdk

-- the "item form" TAB is in components settings, while in FLEXIcontent backend, click "Configuration" at top right

-- about shaping the form:

go to fields manager, and
1. filter by a content type
e.g. filter by type "article" and ONLY fields assigned to content type "article" will be listed

2. click the heart of order column, to sort by order
... then sort your fields via drag and drop and then click save button at top of the order column

3. create group marker fields and assign them to content type "article", and place these field among your fields to define,
-- tabsets
-- feldsets
-- add custom HTML


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11 years 3 months ago #41212 by joomla_user
and if i need more areas(zones) like "subtitle1"
lets say subtitle4,subtitle5 and so and also change the order of those zones ?

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11 years 3 months ago #41216 by ggppdk

titles? there is a place to add title in group marker

so, start making your custom layout form using the groupmarker field, read popup help of parameters, and see what you can achieve

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