I can`t see plugins content in a text

14 years 6 months ago #9667 by zevgma
Hi everybody,

I`ve just installed FlexiContent. Everything went cool, but now plug-ins, I used before don`t work. I mean, instead of videos, diagrams and stuff like that in an article I can only see their codes, like {youtube}lz3fzY7Ptzc{/youtube} and {fusionchart id="8" Доход 2010}...

and I couldn`t find any checkbox or smth. to switch it on/off to solve the problem...

PS. I`ve already deleted my old articles and categories so i`ve no way back :D help!

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14 years 6 months ago #9909 by micker
do you actived this plugin in the field administration ?

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14 years 1 month ago #13257 by murrayzz1

Is there an answer to this? I have the same problem, i.e. plugins are activated and work OK on standard Joomla content Articles, but when I enter the same code in a FLEXIContent item, it displays the code instead of the plugin, e.g.:-


produces a Flash MP3 player in standard Joomla Article, but FLEXIContent just displays the code.

Your help would be appreciated.



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14 years 1 month ago #13258 by murrayzz1
OK, found the answer.

Go to "Fields" and select "Description". Over on the right is a section called "Field Specific Properties" and here is an option "Trigger content plugins".

By default this is set to "No", so plugins won't work. If you change it to "Yes", they will!

One day there will be some documentation for this extension, and we won't have to trawl the Forums looking for the answer! :D :|

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14 years 1 month ago #13260 by micker
if you read the feature of flexicontent
flexicontent.org/developers-blog ... ml#plugins
you can see it :lol:
can you edit your post and add [solved]

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