Hide plugin command in text

14 years 10 months ago #6055 by Avorio
Dear Flexicontent staff,
how can i hide a plugin command line in the Description (text) area?
I'm using the really-power Flexi for a recent site, and i'm using too a module (Lof ArticlesSlideShow) extensions.joomla.org/extensions ... case/11309 to show some items in the home page, you can see the result at this link http://serverweb/hiperformance/index.php/it/home.html
It seems perfect, but to work with images this module required that a command line is present in the text of article, with the result that the string is showed in text too (you can see it at http://serverweb/hiperformance/index.ph ... nuelnibale).
I've try to create a specific field for it, activating plugins and activating all plugins installed, but it doesn't work. I've no plugin installed for that module (can it be the problem?)
For all plugin i used i create a new field, so hide the string present in the text is a perfect/fast solution.
Any idea?
Thanks again.

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14 years 10 months ago #6057 by kenmcd
Replied by kenmcd on topic Hide plugin command in text
Some extensions restrict themselves to com_content.
That appears to be the case here.

The module would need to be modified to work with FLEXIcontent.


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14 years 10 months ago #6072 by Avorio
Replied by Avorio on topic Hide plugin command in text
Thank for your answer, i was supposing it.
Maybe I've found a "workaround" solution, modifying the FC template "extracting" the part between { and }, and displaying a variable instead of standard text field.

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