Images and gallery watermarks

6 years 7 months ago #74470 by ggppdk

Item view and category view, will recreate the thubmnails
because they call the field's display method (field's display event)

also if you view the field in backend item form, this will also trigger recreation

where exactly you do not get the thumbnails recreated ?
- also if some view in frontend is cached then it will not trigger re-creation of the images, thus the browser will get correct HTML but image links will be broken, try clearing cache once

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6 years 7 months ago #74471 by tadzio
It's not exactly like that. The articleimgmain field15 has been restored without opening the articles in the backend. Field 36 with additional images is recrieted only after opening the article in the back. This is uncomfortable because there are about 500 articles. 
I did not change your data that I sent to you on PM.

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