Images and gallery watermarks

6 years 7 months ago #74462 by tadzio
Is it possible and how to change the watermark in all pictures?

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6 years 7 months ago #74465 by ggppdk

a simple trick is to also change the width or height of the thumbnails (small, medium, large)
by 2 or more pixels
- when the image field will be view in item or in category view, the thumbnails will be re-created

Currently there is an all-thumbnail delete task button

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6 years 7 months ago #74466 by tadzio
The problem is that only some of the thumbnails change.
What happens if I delete all thumbnails manually?

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6 years 7 months ago - 6 years 7 months ago #74467 by ggppdk

yes you can do the thumbnails
no problem with it

just check that you a thumbnail folder that does not contains also other files or other images

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Last edit: 6 years 7 months ago by ggppdk.

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6 years 7 months ago #74468 by tadzio

ggppdk wrote: Hello

a simple trick is to also change the width or height of the thumbnails (small, medium, large)
by 2 or more pixels
- when the image field will be view in item or in category view, the thumbnails will be re-created

Currently there is an all-thumbnail delete task button

Where is this button?

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6 years 7 months ago #74469 by tadzio
Something I think I'm doing wrong? The thumbnails of the main picture have been recreated without a problem. The additional image box only plays thumbnails when I open the article in the back. I do not have to save it.

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