content plugins not appearing

14 years 11 months ago #4982 by ajbpalma
Hello, and first of all thanks for your work on flexicontent, it is a great component.

As described in this thread, i cannot put plugins that are not called by {plugin_name} to work in flexicontent, although they work fine in joomla content articles.
Can you please let us have some light as to what to do?

I really need a 3rd party plugin "relatedarticlestags" to work, but just can't seem to be able to do it.

I also tried other plugins not called by {} but they don't work as well. :(

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14 years 11 months ago #4987 by kenmcd
Moderator note: split from another thread.

First, plug-ins must be enabled for the particular field or they will not work.
Check the field parameters settings.

Second, the plug-in itself must allow/enable usage in other extensions such as FLEXIcontent.
I took a quick look at the Related Articles Tags plug-in and
it has a check restricting it to content article.
This will need to be modified to work with flexicontent item instead.
May be a simple fix, but I cannot test right now.
(installed new hard drive, new OS, and now installing everything else)

Main point is that it will not work with FLEXIcontent without modification.


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14 years 11 months ago #5008 by ajbpalma
thanks for your quick answer, i will try to modify that particular plugin but my knowledge of code is more than limited :oops:

If you happen to know how i can do it please post here, thank you again.

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14 years 11 months ago #5039 by ajbpalma
Still no luck, i can't make any global plugin to work, this is a serious setback for me.
Too bad, it is a great product but this limitation is so anoying :cry:

Anybody has any idea or suggestion to make global com_content plugins to work on FLEXI? I sure would like a fix, and i'm sure many more people are having the same problem.

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14 years 11 months ago #5041 by kenmcd
There is not a "limitation" on global plug-ins in FLEXIcontent.
Many work just fine as is.

So most likely:
- these plug-ins have not been enabled properly for that FLEXIcontent field, or
- the plug-in has restrictions within it

Some plug-ins limit themselves to particular components, options, views, etc.
Some of these plug-ins may easily be modified to work with other components (e.g. FLEXIcontent).
Some of these plug-ins may not be easily modified.

I have tested many plug-ins that are working just fine.
Many work as is.
Some have required minor changes to remove their limitations.
Some will not work without major modifications.
This all depends on the particular plug-in.

Many content plug-ins do not work in Sobi2 for the same reasons.
Many content plug-ins do not work in VirtueMart for the same reasons.
Etc., etc., etc.


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14 years 11 months ago #5060 by ajbpalma
Can you just enlighten me on how i can achieve that easy fix? what do you need to change in the plugins to make them work? PHP fix? something simpler?

Don't take me wrong, i really like FLEXI but some essencial plugins are just not working and i can't seem to be able to fix them, i'm too noob in coding.

I enabled the plugins properly in the main Textarea (the content one) so that is not the case. I already managed to make some work by the call to the {plugin} but the ones that are not called by the brackets are giving me a major headache. There's something wrong with the plugins and FLEXI because they work fine in regular joomla content.
Let me have an idea of where to start on the plugins to get a "easy" fix and i will try it.

Thank you for your support

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