JCE 2.0 - Advanced Links plugin (Joomla 1.5, FC 1.5.x)

13 years 1 month ago #22836 by Rooney
Hi, JCE linking is ok and very helpful but I still believe that extending TitleLink for FC (
extensions.joomla.org/extensions/427/details ) would be great for easy and efficient internal linking. Just adding {ln:Title of the article} adds a link to the article! No need for clicking 10 times to add a link within JCE.


Joomla! 3.9.24 and FC 3.3.9

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13 years 1 month ago #22841 by ggppdk
Such a plugin is easy to produce,
-- but we don't have it now,
-- also besides adding links which is easy, our intention is to add more replacements like
a. displaying fields of "current" item:
b. or fields of any item e.g. {fcitem:34##field:created_by}

we have an enhancement issue open for this.

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13 years 1 month ago #22867 by Rooney

ggppdk wrote: Such a plugin is easy to produce,
-- but we don't have it now,
-- also besides adding links which is easy, our intention is to add more replacements like
a. displaying fields of "current" item:
b. or fields of any item e.g. {fcitem:34##field:created_by}
we have an enhancement issue open for this.

To be honest I do not really understand this. Sorry.

What I mean is that Joomla has poor internal linking. TitleLink makes this very easy. You don't even have to know the exact name of an article. If there is an article title like "Benefits of FC" {ln:Benefits} it is enough to automatically create a link to the article with "Benefits of FC" as the link name. Of course, only if there is only one article that has benefits in the title. In addition, I think the plugin can easily be adapted to work with FlexiContent as it has been adapted to other components before. I am not a programmer, that's why I cannot do it.


Joomla! 3.9.24 and FC 3.3.9

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13 years 1 month ago #22877 by ggppdk
You are right, that i can easily change the plugin to support in 5-20 mins to support FLEXIcontent, but then i will need time to download it, install it, open files in editor and search a little through the code, this applies for many other extensions too.

I just said we have plans for a replacement plugin that will support much more.

Just now releasing final version is priority :D

Best Regards

-- Flexicontent is Free but involves a big effort on our part.
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