Display number of comments in blog view

13 years 9 months ago #15361 by unleash.it
Hi everyone, I'm wondering if anyone knows of a way to display the comments link with number of comments (jcomments) in blog view. Normally it's there by default after installing jcomments with native articles, but I can find no settings to make it appear with Flexicontent. I checked around the forum and found a French post on the subject, but I couldn't understand the solution. Thanks for your help.

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13 years 9 months ago #15362 by micker
can you post link to french solution ?

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13 years 9 months ago #15364 by unleash.it
Hey Micker, it was you you answered.

flexicontent.org/forum/index.php ... pic#p15224

I tried Google translate. It came out like:

look how the link in the view section then create a custom field with the proper settings to link template then slides into view in your category template.

If it can be done and you can walk be through it, that would be awesome. Having the comment link on the blog page is important to this client, and I can see why (encourages commenting). Or if it can't be done with jcomments, is there another comment extension that works with Flexi (maybe Discuss)? I could resort to JomComment if need be but would rather not.


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13 years 9 months ago #15367 by micker
in this post no solution .... sorry

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13 years 9 months ago #15368 by unleash.it
Oh shucks, it sounded like you were saying it could be done somehow. Is there anyone who's managed to put the number of comments in blog view? I guess it could be done with an SQL query, may try to get it done that way if I can. Thanks.

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13 years 9 months ago #15369 by micker
sorry i am not a dev ... i couldn't help you

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