I have been reading this:
... t-template
So - I had some ideas about hiding fields when entering items using CSS such as:
+ Language - the site I am designing is one language - so let's hide it
+ Featured - we don't use it
+ Compatibility - I always use FLEXIcontent - why do I need compatibility?
+ Icons - nope
+ Keywords - no search engine uses it
+ Tags - don't use
To implement:
1. In file:
add a line:
@import url('iamrobert.css');
I also modified the
administrator/components/com_flexicontent/views/item/tmpl/default.php file - so I could call css classes.
2. upload the css file in the zip to the same directories.
[attachment=0:277aonet]<!-- ia0 -->iamrobert.zip<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:277aonet]
3. the code is commented with what is removed - so you can change it all you like - I haven't fully tested it - but it seems ok.
Finally when you create template files everybody should be using html5 - so change in your xml file to type hidden.
<field name="htmlmode" type="hidden" default="1" label="FLEXI_HTML_MODE" description="FLEXI_HTML_MODE_DESC" filter="int"><option value="1">FLEXI_HTML5</option></field>
I am sure there is a better way to do this - but this seems quick.