Using Profiles like social Media sites

12 years 3 weeks ago #32486 by igcorreia
This is something we just implemented :D workes like a charm. The idea is simple. Each user needs to have a personal page, a PROFILE PAGE.

1 - Create and Category, Type and Template: WELCOME
2 - Link them together.(this should be a FC feature :D )
3 - Create and Category, Type and Template: PROFILE
4 - Link them together.
5 - Create an item: WELCOME using the category WELCOME.
6 - Create an menu item and link it to this item set it only for registered users.
7 - Create a login module and redirect it to this menu item after login


8 - Open the item.php of the WELCOME template
9 - Add this lines:

//Get User ID
$user = JFactory::getUser();
//Define Category
$category = "1"; // This category ID for the PROFILE CATEGORY
//Define DB - Query
$db = JFactory::getDbo(); $query = $db->getQuery(true);
//Define Query
$query ->select('id') ->from('#__content') ->where('created_by="'.$user->id.'" and catid="'.$category.'" and state="1"');
//Get Results
$results = $db->loadObjectList();
//Redirect the user if no profile is found
if ($results != 0 && $results != NULL && $results != "" && $results != Undefined) { //YES profile header( 'Location: /my-items-page.php' ) ; } else { //NO profile header( 'Location: /new-profile?tmpl=component' ) ; }
//Load Template

Basically what it does is, if the user does not have at least 1 item in the category profile then redirect him to the PROFILE submission page, if it already has redirect him to his profile page.

The advantages is that like this we can use FC custom fields, categories to list the users :D without the need to link anything. Like this the user is linked to a profile. Also you need to verify in the form is the current log in user already has a profile, basicly is to make sure the user does not submit 2 profiles :D

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12 years 3 weeks ago #32503 by micker
great thanks for sharing !

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12 years 2 weeks ago #32726 by igcorreia
I have update the code to work with JGroups.
Also I am leaving the print_r so we can debug it right away.
<?php //Get User ID $user = JFactory::getUser(); $userGroup = $user->groups; // echo "<pre>";print_r($userGroup);echo "</pre>"; if (count($userGroup) == 1 && $userGroup[2] == 2){ //echo "Mantém aqui"; } else { //Define Category $category = "13"; // This cateogry is profile //Define DB - Query $db = JFactory::getDbo(); $query = $db->getQuery(true); //Define Query $query ->select('id') ->from('#__content') ->where('created_by="'.$user->id.'" and catid="'.$category.'" '); //Query $db->setQuery($query); //Get Results $results = $db->loadObjectList(); // Override Author //echo "<pre>";print_r($this->item->created_by);echo "</pre>"; //$this->item->created_by = $user->id; //Teste Results //echo "<pre>";print_r($results);echo "</pre>"; //Redirect the user if no profile if ($results != 0 && $results != NULL && $results != "" && $results != Undefined) { //YES it has profile header( 'Location: /meus-projetos' ) ; } else { //NO it has profile header( 'Location: /criar-novo-perfil' ) ; } } ?>

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12 years 2 weeks ago #32755 by gauthier
Very interesting,

I keep in mind to remove community builder from my system to manage myself users, lists with Flexicontent. Your idea is a good starting point. ;)

To still innovative, I think that FC should manage itself users.

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12 years 2 weeks ago #32758 by igcorreia
This is working well for us :D

Put for future features we WANT user profiles :D

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12 years 2 weeks ago #32759 by micker
A Flexicommunity component or addon ? ;)

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