Simple Image Gallery Zip uploader

14 years 6 months ago #9733 by orchid1
New plugin release is a Simple Image gallery Zip file uploader. The point of it is that you can now upload directly from the flexicontent article interface a zip file with all your .gpg, .png, .gif, images into a specified folder rather than doing it through an FTP one at a time. Now you just zip up an archive and upload it. It needs to be a zip file it need to only have images of the proper type i.e. (jpg, png, gif) and then click apply or save and thats it
You still need to add your {gallery}mygallery{/gallery} code in the article but thats it
the new plugin accepts a zip file with any number of images

anyways download it here

Note: requires a membership subscription to download

and view an example with some documentation here

thanks to micker for getting on me about this I finally posted it even though it has been done for a long time. I've been ill and I have been school lately so I have not really been working.

but anyways here it is. enjoy

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14 years 6 months ago #9874 by micker
cool i am ready for translation go in mp

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13 years 3 months ago #20646 by piperchick
I can't get to it. Is Orchid 1 still around?

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13 years 3 months ago #20652 by micker
i recommend flexihung galery a zip function is include ... ge-gallery

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