Some form elements for item type: are set to be placed by fields manager:
id, alias, category, lang, vstate, disable_comments, notify_subscribers, notify_owner, captcha, layout_selection, timezone_info, created_by_alias, publish_up, publish_down, access, item_screen, lang_assocs, jimages, jurls, metadata, seoconf, display_params, layout_params, perms, versions
- either a placeholder field (of field type: 'Core Property') was not created for them
- or their placeholder fields is not assigned the content type
Please logout and re-login to backend management and visit the dashboard to create the fields automatically
Some fields are configured to be displayed more than once:
alias at [above, below]
category at [above, below]
lang at [above, below]
jimages at [tab02a, below]
jurls at [tab02a, below]
timezone_info at [tab04, below]
created_by_alias at [tab04, below]
publish_up at [tab04, below]
publish_down at [tab04, below]
access at [tab04, below]
display_params at [tab06, below]