Order by category, global configuration and override

7 years 3 months ago #70674 by jrodgar

I´m experimenting a inconvenience, don´t know if is working as intended


I had a global order, and in the category, I setted "override nucleo order" to yes, that way, I could order by a custom field


That stopped working. On the frontend view, I couldn´t select "use default order" because it returned to the global option selected. I had to change on the category from "use global" to "use category order"

This means that before it was enough with the "use override nucleo order", but now I have to already choose "use category order"

Did I miss something?

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7 years 3 months ago - 7 years 3 months ago #70681 by ggppdk

i think it was broken at some point and then we fixed it

please update to v3.2.1.7

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Last edit: 7 years 3 months ago by ggppdk.

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7 years 3 months ago #70682 by ggppdk
This is what should be happening
when you select "default order"

- after page reloads
the calculated default order will be auto-selected

The above is intentionak
- you see we need to tell user what is the default order

What you need to do is
- to make sure that the drop down includes your default ordering

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7 years 3 months ago #70685 by jrodgar
So I need to explicity select the option "Use category order" on each category to override? the option "use override core order" is obsolete?

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7 years 3 months ago #70686 by ggppdk

maybe you have set a value in some of the parent categories

then the inherited value is of that parent category and not of the component setting

You can test this version (use "Install via URL")

it will show the inherited values for the drop-down select parameters too
thus you can see the inherited value next to the 'use global'

Use global (Best rated)
instead of just
Use global

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7 years 3 months ago - 7 years 3 months ago #70692 by jrodgar

ggppdk wrote: Hello

i think it was broken at some point and then we fixed it

please update to v3.2.1.7

I didn´t have properly updated my forum signature, the problem its happening at v3.2.1.7

maybe you have set a value in some of the parent categories

then the inherited value is of that parent category and not of the component setting

Its a parent category

On "Parameter inheritance", I have "Inherit parameters from global"

the value for "Order core fields" was set as "Use global"
the value for "Override core order" was set to "Yes"

With that configuration, I got the global configuration. The version you provided confirm this

With that in mind I think that there is something that needs clarification. "Override core order" is set to true, but does nothing? because "use global" takes prevalence? Can we safely remove it?

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Last edit: 7 years 3 months ago by jrodgar.

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