Hello Support Team
Thank you very much for your help. it was succsessful, you save my weekend
It's look now like in the article preview.
I have also an other question too:
I like to use the tabs for a direct link to an external Webside.
(In the attachment I send you the exaple)
I've tried to find a new field in Flexiconten: Weblink
This field Weblink is working well, but I can see the link only if I go with the mouse arrow inside the tab.
The Url in the tabs can be very long, thats looks not so nice.
My question:
1. How is it possible to set the link permanently displayed in the tab?
2. Is there an option/possibility to go only with one click (maybe with a new typ or module) directly to the extrenal website without clicking first on the URL in the tab?
3. If not: is it possible to overwrite the exactly link to make it shorter?
I thank you in advanced for your support and wish you a good start in the next week
Best Regards