FCloadmodule if no content

8 years 7 months ago #63336 by norm1973
Hi, Still having trouble with fcloadmodule and having tab displayed if no related content. This is using Universal content module and FC Load Module plugin.
Same as:

I see this was addressed and code changes made however I am still having the Tab appear but nothing to display. I done the "Hide label if empty" part in the above also.

The code being presented is:

<!-- tab start -->
<div id="fc_bottom_tab5" class="tabbertab"> <h3 class="tabberheading">..........</h3><!-- tab title -->
<div class="flexi lineinfo"><div class="flexi element field_field67">
<div class="flexi value field_field67"><link rel="stylesheet" href="/.../modules/mod_flexicontent/tmpl/news/news.css?847e76b3a579e40e100cfe9abade55b7"><link rel="stylesheet" href="/.../modules/mod_flexicontent/tmpl_common/module.css?847e76b3a579e40e100cfe9abade55b7"><link rel="stylesheet" href="/.../components/com_flexicontent/assets/css/flexicontent.css?847e76b3a579e40e100cfe9abade55b7"></div></div></div></div><!-- tab end -->

I cannot see anything else that would produce a display in the tab to keep it displayed?
Flexicontent 3.1.0RC2 but evident in earlier versions too.

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8 years 7 months ago #63367 by ggppdk
Replied by ggppdk on topic FCloadmodule if no content

you have a TAB with a field of type "load module" (fcloadmodule)

and the TAB is displaying despite not have any non-empty fields (fields that do have some HTML ?)

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8 years 7 months ago #63369 by norm1973
Replied by norm1973 on topic FCloadmodule if no content
Thanks. Yes a field "fcloadmodule" in a tab posiiton.
The field is loading a Universal Content module with "Select Items" being:
Category Scope: Top level category selected, "Child Categories" and "Items in the same category,"
Type Scope: A type selected.
In the "Select Fields" tab the only thing selected is "Display Title". "Hide label When Empty" is set to yes.

Both fcloadmodule and Universal module are working correctly when there are items of that type and in the same category. However, the Tab is still displaying where there are no items in the same category. i.e. just a white space beneath the Tab.

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